ds Going back in the direction we came from, Zhang Ziang stood on the roadside and watched us leave until we finally disappeared, but I didn’t look disappointed because I felt that when I returned to the city, we would see each other again.

ds Going back in the direction we came from, Zhang Ziang stood on the roadside and watched us leave until we finally disappeared, but I didn’t look disappointed because I felt that when I returned to the city, we would see each other again.

ds Going back in the direction we came from, Zhang Ziang stood on the roadside and watched us leave until we finally disappeared, but I didn’t look disappointed because I felt that when I returned to the city, we would see each other again.
When we returned to the city, it was already past five o’clock in the morning. When we returned to our familiar yet strange home, we felt that the experience along the way was completely like a dream. I was exhausted physically and mentally, but not at all tired. After I came back, I sat down on the sofa and dazed. I didn’t think about anything anymore. It was completely blank. I didn’t even know what I should do next.
/Wang Zhexuan looked very tired. He said that he was too sleepy, so he went to sleep first.
After that, I really didn’t feel sleepy, so I took a shower to wash away the dust and dust from the journey. After taking a shower, I felt much better. When I came out, I found that the sofa was completely empty. There was a person sitting on the seat, and I was startled when I was unprepared. When I took a closer look, I realized that this person was none other than Zeng Yipu.
I haven’t seen him since he disappeared from the mountain village last time. As I thought, he has returned to the city, but I was still a little surprised when he appeared in my house, so I asked him in surprise He said: “Why are you here?”
Today is not the time we agreed to meet every half month, but I remember he said that if anything happens in the middle and he needs to contact me, he will contact me. , now it is obvious that this is the case, and he found me unilaterally in his way, but I cannot find him unilaterally.
/He said: “Although we had just met in the mountain village, we did not talk about something very important at that time, and that matter had not happened yet.” I don’t know
what the value of what he said was I asked him, “That thing?”
Zeng Yipu asked me, “Have you ever felt that Xiaoxuan has become a little different all the way back?”
It was the same question again, although what Zhang Ziang said was I am not Wang Zhexuan, but he is obviously conveying this meaning to me, that is, the places we have been to will make people less like themselves. I thought about this on the way back, and I already knew Zhang Ziang To hint at something, he wanted to tell me that Wang Zhexuan had changed.
I said: “I noticed something, but I couldn’t clearly feel where these changes were. It seemed like he was still him, but he seemed much stranger.”
Zeng Yipu said: “This is what I want when I appear here now . What I told you.”
When Zeng Yipu said this, I looked at Wang Zhexuan’s bedroom. I was worried that if we talked about him like this in the living room, if he woke up and heard it, would he misunderstand us? She is plotting against him or guarding against him, thus creating a gap. Yahua weighed heavily.
I said: “But I don’t think so. Zhang Ziang is not an unnecessary person, but he is. The person Mr. Yin needs the most is someone who has even decided to kill him. Sometim

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