very day, and Hudson can’t afford to feed this big eater.

very day, and Hudson can’t afford to feed this big eater.

“Mr. Bear Stearns, don’t you know you need to be polite to your savior?
You must know that there are many people out there who are eyeing your bearskin, your flesh and blood, and your magic core.
Those who fell into the hands of these rough guys would at most be quartered. If they fell into the hands of some research madmen, their blood would be drawn and their flesh cut off at regular intervals. Life would be worse than death.
By the way, there is also the Holy See. Those gangs of magicians like to brainwash you cubs and train them into adults so that you can welcome the arrival of the Birdman.
Before Hudson could finish speaking, the cub couldn’t help but burst out: “Shut up, you hateful human being, you really bully the bear.
This was so exciting that even the timid Earth Bear Hudson was speechless. You must know that in myths and legends, this guy is known as the King of the Earth and the ultimate overlord of the Aslant continent.
“Mr. Bear Stearns, how dare I enslave the great bear of the earth? As a friend, I just can’t bear to see you suffer.
Otherwise, we sign a two-hundred-year contract of friendship and mutual assistance. I will provide you with food and security, and you will help me fight when necessary.
With your long life span, two hundred years is just a small episode in your life. It won’t be too late to go back and become the king of the forest when you become an adult. ”
“No, two hundred years is too long. Ben Xiong is a genius of the Earth Bear Clan. He will be able to enter adulthood early in a hundred years at most.
Let’s do this. If you arrange for someone to send me back, you can gain the friendship of the Earth Bear Clan. ”
You must be a born idiot!
Hudson didn’t think that a genius bear could be captured and transported from thousands of miles away, and he didn’t know what happened.
Even though he knew it, Hudson still didn’t reveal it. Sales experience tells him that a business needs to be successfully closed. The best way is to make your opponent think they are awesome, and then lead them to jump into the pit.
“If that’s the case, there’s nothing we can do.
Mr. Bear Stearns, your appetite just now has attracted the attention of interested people. It’s estimated that someone will come to your door soon, so you can bet your luck.
/May the Lord of the Morning protect you from falling into the hands of the Holy See.
You must know that the Dragon Knights under the Judgment Knights are nearby. It seems that the person who caught you is also a member of the Holy See. It seems that they want to send you to the Skull and Bones Society to sacrifice a skeleton.
You should understand my difficulties. As a young knight and not a bear myself, it is difficult for me to risk offending the Holy See and spend a lot of money to save you. ”
Obviously, what Hudson said was not human. Blessed by the Lord of the Dawn, it is simply the most vicious curse.
No matter how philanthropic the gods are, there is no reason not t

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