w. The elders can still move around, and everyone An elder may also have several assistants.

w. The elders can still move around, and everyone An elder may also have several assistants.

“Anxide chose me as his assistant, which finally allowed me to come into contact with the top secrets of the Holy See. At that time, it had been more than eighty years since Kesidu passed away. In the first forty years, the Holy See’s People have tried every possible means to find the legendary legacy of Kesdu, but unfortunately they have spent countless manpower and financial resources but cannot find it.
“So when I was thirty-two years old, many people were convinced that Kesdu’s legacy was just an unbelievable rumor. Even I thought so at first. Until one day, I conducted a project that used both illusion and prophecy. The experiment was not successful, but it made me see something.”
“Kestu’s secret room?” said the Immortal King: “A secret room that requires specific magic to open?”
“If it were that simple to open Kesdu’s secret room, I wouldn’t have waited until I discovered it.” Dosalun said: “Kestu is indeed a very human being. His arrangements are very careful. In order to find a suitable place for his legacy, Heir, he left sixteen keys and stipulated that only those with real strength can obtain the keys.
“It is not enough to have the key. The person who is qualified to receive his inheritance must also be the person who has the courage to give up worldly power, because he set the door in a place where only Elder Jin and his assistants can enter.”
The Immortal King couldn’t help but ask: “What is the door?”
“That is a holy statue, two meters high, and it looks like it is carved from marble. For decades, no one has figured out the mystery. Only by using the two magics of ‘True Knowledge’ and ‘Prayer’ at the same time, Only the icon will reveal its true face. To activate this icon, one of the sixteen keys is needed.
“That can definitely be regarded as Kesdu’s most brilliant work. This holy statue is condensed with amazing divine power. As long as you stand within a hundred meters around it, you will have inexhaustible divine power.”
“Angel Wings,” the Immortal King said.
“No, the angel wings are just a personal magic energy gatherer. The icon is useful to everyone. It is like a dam that accumulates divine power. It is also an amplifier that can amplify the power of divine magic dozens of times. Praying in front of this holy statue will get dozens of times more benefits than praying outside.” Dosarun quickly corrected him.
/“Only effective against divine power?” the Immortal King asked.
“No, the effects on divine power and magic are similar.” Dosarun said.
This is definitely an amazing achievement. Hel once heard the classification of magic furnaces from the Immortal King. He himself belongs to the line inherited from Bagley, which is the angel wings, which relies on the control of the underworld. The sea mutates, producing powerful spiritual power, and then transforms the powerful spiritual power into a steady stream of magic power.
And this holy statue is more direct. It does not require the mutation of som

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