the staff.

the staff.

With the bright light, Hel saw shadows all around and found that insects were gathering here.
The sea of ??insects has awakened? His mood suddenly hit rock bottom.
Eight!Zero!Electronic!Zi!Book!w!w!w!!t!x!t!8! 0!.!c!c
He quickly recited a spell silently and added a series of auxiliary magic to his body. He no longer cared about whether he would hit a big tree while gliding at night, so he picked up the wings and ran away.
There was a buzzing sound all around, the insect sea became more and more lively, and Hel’s heart became heavier and heavier.
Crush a piece of crystal hard, and with a soft “click” sound, a hazy white light spreads far away in all directions. In the white light, what Hel sees in his eyes are red highlights, the “life detection” As a result, he was surrounded by thousands of bugs.
“Splash -” he raised his staff and shouted again.
This time, green light flashed on the top of the staff, and a green ball of light flew out, then turned into countless acid droplets and exploded.
Hel used acid to open a path. Acid splash is the most basic magic and the fastest magic to cast, but what he is more interested in is that acid splash is a range attack.
Old Man Moon and the Reaper were also in trouble. The old man was more alert than Hel. He noticed the bugs as soon as they woke up.
/Fortunately for Bihel, the two of them had traveled most of the night and were not too far from the edge of the insect sea, and the number of insects near the edge was not as large as in the center.
The reaper waved the long-handled scythe in his hand. The scythe circled like a hurricane. Wherever it hit, all the bugs in the way were cut into two pieces. The newly awakened bugs may have attack power, but their bodies are still weak and cannot be protected at all. Can’t resist the sharp sickle.
In addition to their soft shells, these bugs’ natural attack methods cannot be used yet because they have just awakened. The bugs’ acid and toxins have not yet been synthesized in the body. Their more terrifying magical abilities cannot be used because they do not have enough magic power. .
These staggering numbers of bugs are relying on their own instincts to hunt.
Those bugs whose lives were taken away by the reapers immediately became food for their own kind. The overwhelming shadow fell behind the car driven by Old Man Moon, and the “click-click-click” sound of chewing made the two people who were running for their lives feel chills.
At this moment, the two people finally understood why they could not see a single insect corpse in the sea of ??insects during the day. It turned out that losers were equal to food here.
Suddenly, the ground in front of him shook. Old Man Moon didn’t have time to change direction. He hit it and the car immediately turned over.
Before the two of them woke up, a huge figure appeared in front of them. The thing looked like a beetle, but was as big as an elephant.
The reaper swung the scythe violently, and the sword flashed, but this time it did not cut through the thick carapace, a

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