other people in the control room to gather everyone together.

other people in the control room to gather everyone together.

Half an hour later, people who knew Frank gathered in front of the Immortal King.
The two ascetics are experts in the Frankish language. Yassie herself has learned some. Her teacher Bast is a generalist. She has also learned a lot from Bast. Recently, she has made a fierce attack on the Frankish language.
In addition, there is another person who can also speak Frankish. His situation is similar to that of Shasa. They are both engaged in intelligence and are proficient in several languages, so they can learn Frankish much faster than others.
/“Only four.” The Immortal King sighed deliberately, but he didn’t say much. He took out six core crystals, three of which were as round as beads. Their surfaces were radiant, like golden diamonds, and they kept going. It emits a faint sacred aura, which is the “angel magic bead” fused by An Qi.
This was purchased from the silver man Andy after completing the eighteen orders for the mercenary union and receiving the reward.
Although this thing is called “Angel Magic Bead”, it does not come from a real angel. If it is really the heart core of an angel, the Immortal King will keep it for himself and use it. Where will he take it out.
These core crystals come from the Holy Light Wings. They are creatures created by the gods. The “angels” who are the attendants of the gods are the Holy Light Wings who have been given special powers.
This kind of core crystal with sacred properties is a hot commodity in this world. The fact that the Immortal King can obtain them shows how much Andy the Silver Man values ??this collaborator.
With Silver Man Andy’s vast magical power and the power behind him, he naturally knew that the Immortal King had received eighteen items-making tasks from the mercenary union.
Being able to complete these orders in such a short period of time convinced Silver Man Andy and the people behind him that the Immortal King has at least seven or eight master-level technicians under his command, and some of them have reached divine level components. It even made them suspect that among these seven or eight masters, there might be some strange people who were about to break through or had already broken through to the great master level.
This alone is enough to elevate the Immortal King from a dispensable collaborator to the position of an important collaborator.
It is not difficult to fuse the magic core. The Immortal King is not a fusion master. He is not interested in this kind of thing. With his strength, he can use magic to achieve the same effect.
But it is undeniable that the fusion ceremony of this world gave him a lot of inspiration. He had to admit that the brains of a group of people were indeed much more useful than the brains of one person.
Fusion is far superior to body modulation or the kind of power modulation he has improved. The former directly turns people into another more advanced creature. The abilities obtained from the core crystal are all instinctive, unlike the latter two, whi

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