ckets, and straight nose bridges. They both have red hair. They are also tall and have bulging muscles. They look older than Tasopulo is much stronger.

ckets, and straight nose bridges. They both have red hair. They are also tall and have bulging muscles. They look older than Tasopulo is much stronger.

It can be seen from the matter of the war horse that when Wei Xiaobei passed by, the two of them had already tamed the war horse. They looked at Wei Xiaobei with vigilant eyes, and subconsciously pointed the musket in their hands at Wei Xiaobei, appearing. Showing a touch of hostility.
Wei Xiaobei didn’t care about this. Even when he first entered the gray world, he was still vigilant and wary of anyone who appeared around him.
In the gray world, if there is no such vigilance, I am afraid that it will not be long before they become corpses.
Monsters are scary, but people’s hearts are harder to see through.
Compared to the two of them, the girl was much simpler. She had a happy face at this time, and there were three flintlock guns piled around her, and she was trying to wear a breastplate on her body.
“Albert, Alan, Leanne, let me introduce to you a hero from China! Mr. Wei Xiaobei! Let me tell you, he is really awesome! Just now”
Tasopulo had a straightforward temperament and did not notice the vague hostility of Albert and Wei Xiaobei towards Wei Xiaobei at all. He happily introduced Wei Xiaobei to the three of them.
Compared to the hostility between Albert and the two, the girl named Leanne developed a liking for Wei Xiaobei as soon as she saw her. She didn’t even bother with the idea of ??putting on a breastplate. She ran up to Wei Xiaobei and stretched out her white hands: “Hello, Mr. Wei Xiaobei, my name is Leanne Li. Are you really from China?”
/There is no doubt that this girl has an extremely cheerful and lively personality. Before Wei Xiaobei could speak, she realized that there was something wrong with her words. She covered her mouth, her tone was apologetic, and what she said was in Chinese: “Ah, I’m sorry, Mr. Wei Xiaobei, I didn’t doubt your intention. My father’s name is Li Kunyang and he is from China, so I am also from China. I am very excited to see my fellow countrymen from China.”
Sure enough, as I guessed, this Leanne is of mixed Chinese and French descent. No wonder her name is Leanne Lee.
The only drawback is that the Chinese language is a bit stiff and has a bit of a local accent.
There is nothing that can be done about this. Even if you have a Chinese father and grew up in a foreign country, you will naturally not have a natural native language environment. Being able to speak Chinese to this level is considered very good.
“It’s okay, I know what you mean. Hello, Leanne, you can just call me Wei Xiaobei. Adding sir makes me feel a little uncomfortable.”
At the end of his speech, Wei Xiaobei made a little joke to ease the girl’s nervousness.
I don’t know why, but Wei Xiaobei didn’t care at home. Once he went to a foreign country and met this little girl, he naturally developed a protective mentality, just like a ferocious beast protecting its cubs.
This kind of mentality feels a bit like a big man who offends me will be killed

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