can go on the road together. As long as you arrive two days earlier than me, you will win the gamble.”

can go on the road together. As long as you arrive two days earlier than me, you will win the gamble.”

“I have always believed that human nature has its darkness, so I am very careful in everything I do to avoid doing dangerous things, such as leaving my back to others.” Hull said leisurely: “If you don’t want to bet, To be honest, I won’t force anyone, and if you want to find excuses to get through it, or find some trouble to embarrass me, don’t.”
As he spoke, he glanced at Mad Dog Bami with an unusually contemptuous look.
The employees who had been scolded so much just now finally felt relieved. Everyone looked at this guy who kept scolding him as soon as he entered the door with the same eyes.
/“Okay, I’ll make this bet,” Bami said, clapping his hands.
Before Mad Dog could finish speaking, Hel immediately said: “You have just arrived in Sherut. You should be very tired. Go and take a rest first. During the rest, you can just calm down. To be honest, there is no point in making this bet. You You will definitely lose. If you lose, you will lose your hard-earned position at United Steel Company, which is really not worth it.”
As he spoke, Hel winked at the people around him.
“Yeah yeah.”
“That’s right, it doesn’t take seven days to get here from Pali.”
“It would be terrible if we lose. It’s better to go home and sleep, and wait until tomorrow morning as if nothing happened.”
The people next to him were talking in a flurry of words. These words entered Mad Dog’s ears, and his face turned red.
“No, I appreciate your kindness.” Mad Dog said angrily. Although he knew that he had been deceived, at this time, he could not allow him to back down. If he backs off, he will never do it again from now on. I can’t even lift my head.
I saw him glaring angrily at everyone around him, then banging the door open and walking out.
“Coachman! Coachman!” Mad Dog Bami roared angrily, “Damn it, hurry up and get the carriage over here. If you mess around again, I’ll skin you!”
Unfortunately, his voice was almost hoarse from shouting, and the coachman did not come. Only then did Bami remember that it was not his own carriage at all. The carriage was hired to deliver him to his destination and left naturally.
When he was inside, he already knew that he had been fooled, and now he was only supported by anger. In addition, he was also thinking about what he could get if he won the bet, so he had no intention of giving up.
But when he went out, he suddenly remembered that he had made a miscalculation. If today was included in that week, he had already wasted at least three hours, and if he wanted to set off, he would have to waste several more hours. .
As long as he thought that this might cause his bet to fail, Mad Dog Bami felt his eyes darken, but he still had to bite the bullet and complete the bet.
He didn’t even go to the hotel. He stopped a carriage and headed to the carriage house. He had to rent a carriage for a long distance as soon as possible.
Mad Dog is not a reckless person. He has already figured out how to w

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