completely eradicate those monsters, but the strength of those monsters was beyond the ability of ordinary soldiers to deal with them. of.

completely eradicate those monsters, but the strength of those monsters was beyond the ability of ordinary soldiers to deal with them. of.

To be honest, if it weren’t for the strong fortresses and the constant flow of human lives, those cities and military bases would have collapsed long ago.
Therefore, many generals sent envoys directly towards China.
And now China’s top leaders are not able to unify their opinions on Tianzhu’s issues.
Some high-level officials want to take advantage of Tianzhu’s chaos to intervene and take the opportunity to tear off a few pieces of fat from this huge neighbor, or press some nails so that even if this ancient neighbor gets rid of the monster in the future, it will not be able to do anything. Get rid of China’s remote control.
But some senior officials are more cautious. After all, China is still in trouble. If it still invests its energy in Tianzhu, the consequences it may cause may not be what China can bear.
Of course, the most critical issue here is the Bull Demon King!
No one knows where it went. Is it possible that it suddenly came to China, or that it suddenly appeared after China intervened in Tianzhu!
Just look at the current situation in Tianzhu and you will know that if Huaxia is also made angry in this way, Huaxia’s senior officials will not be able to stand it.
Therefore, amid the ongoing dispute, the senior leaders of the Huaxia Council unanimously agreed to report the matter to Mr. Wei Xiaobei to see what Mr. Wei had to say.
For the senior members of the parliament, this is also a helpless matter. It is like leaving the decision-making power to an outsider.
But in the eyes of most members, Wei Xiaobei should be an expert in this field. He is recognized as the strongest among those who have experienced the Chinese Gray Realm. No one knows how strong Wei Xiaobei is.
In fact, the Chinese Parliament now seeks Wei Xiaobei in many aspects. It can even be said that Wei Xiaobei is a flag of China. In this chaotic era, Wei Xiaobei has determined that China remains the world hegemon. !
This is like the nuclear bombs of yesteryear.
A country with nuclear bombs is one of the most powerful countries in the world and a big hooligan. However, a country without nuclear bombs, no matter how good its economy or environment is, does not have veto power on UN issues!
But now, countries without powerful gray realm practitioners don’t have much say.
For example, Britain was so troubled by King Arthur that it almost subsided. In the end, it had to ask China for help and invited Wei Xiaobei over.
/Today, Britain has almost become China’s little brother.
/The country of Gaul is different. Although there are a large number of goblins appearing all over the country, and deep sea giants appear from time to time along the coast to cause destruction, there are many powerful gray realm practitioners in the country. Therefore, it still has the right to speak internationally.
Well, Wei Xiaobei has a typical big fist and speaks loudly.
Of course, Wei Xiaobei has no intention of int

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