me and look for him.

me and look for him.

If Tu Qingqing hadn’t made some calculations with his fingers and said that Wei Xiaobei was fine, these disciples would have come over.
Seeing Zhao Guang’s actions, Wei Xiaobei patted his head. He was affected by the rapidly decreasing intelligence attributes and even forgot to call them.
Taking out his mobile phone and calling Tu Qingqing, Zhu Xinyi and others one by one, including his parents, younger brothers and sisters, Wei Xiaobei breathed a sigh of relief and asked Zhao Guang to report on the situation during this period after he left. .
/The situation reported by Zhao Guang verified some of the dangerous premonitions that Wei Xiaobei had after arriving in Cuihu City.
There is a big problem at Green Lake University!
The whole process was that after Cuihu City restored order and safety, the students and teachers who had previously evacuated from Cuihu University made unified arrangements to return.
This is inevitable.
These teachers and students are living in other universities. Not to mention whether it is convenient or not, just because of the sudden increase in the number of students, the impact on other universities makes these students and teachers very embarrassed.
In any case, a golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as your own straw nest!
The beautiful campus quickly restored its popularity and vitality, and further promoted the economic recovery of Cuihu City.
In the eyes of the citizens of Cuihu City, this is undoubtedly a great thing. The city TV station even produced many news programs related to Cuihu University to inspire the citizens.
But this happy situation could not last long.
Soon, some problems arose at Green Lake University.
At first, some students were worried about monsters and the future, so they played pen fairy, dish fairy and so on, using this seemingly exciting activity to soothe their souls.
Not to mention, these invited pen immortals and dish immortals are really useful, allowing many students who were in a daze to have a good sleep, and even feel that their luck has improved and their energy has become more abundant.
This makes more students join the ranks of seeking pen and plate immortals.
Whenever night falls, groups of students will flood into those abandoned experimental buildings and teaching buildings, engaging in extremely weird-looking activities.
With the promotion of this activity, a few abandoned test buildings and teaching buildings are naturally not enough.
/Some students changed the place where they invited the pen fairy and the dish fairy to the dark corners of the dormitory building, the transitions up and downstairs, etc. Some students even placed the place in the dark woods.
In short, more than 50% of the students in Cuihu University participated in this kind of activity to invite the pen fairy and the dish fairy.
Eighty percent of the students participating in the activity were female students, which meant that more than 90% of the female students at Green Lake University had joined the ranks.
As this activity co

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