dded and said with a smile: “I finally made a breakthrough. I have to thank my second brother for this. I used this precious land to help me.”

dded and said with a smile: “I finally made a breakthrough. I have to thank my second brother for this. I used this precious land to help me.”

Having said this, Zhao Yun seemed to be in a very comfortable mood.
Indeed, this bottleneck has been unable to be broken through, which is really distressing. Some patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder would probably be driven crazy.
Once you break through the bottleneck and feel refreshed and refreshed, there is nothing more satisfying than that.
This is like being constipated for a long time, feeling very frizzy all over the body, and finally feeling relieved in one day.
/Wei Xiaobei was also happy for Zhao Yun.
In addition to the relationship between the two, Zhao Yun’s strength has improved, which is undoubtedly a great thing for Wei Xiaobei!
You know, when Zhao Yun was a four-star elite, he was able to compete with the four-star disaster dragon. Now that he has upgraded to four-star terror, to what extent will his combat effectiveness be improved?
Just thinking about it made Wei Xiaobei a little excited, and even had the idea of ????sparring with Zhao Yun.
Of course, both of them are extremely powerful. Even if they are sparring, the noise is not small. If they are sparring in this Aoki Paradise, Wei Xiaobei will not consider it. If he is not careful, some problems will arise. Trouble.
Putting aside the discussion for the time being, Wei Xiaobei took Zhao Yun around the Qingmu Paradise.
After finishing the transfer, Zhao Yun was extremely impressed by the Aoki Blessed Land.
The value of a world like this, where the world has just begun to open and where spiritual energy is abundant, is too high.
To be honest, if he had not entered the Aoki Blessed Land, Zhao Yun would not have had a chance to break through, and there would not have been so much rich spiritual energy supply to enable him to succeed in breaking through in one fell swoop!
The only problem is that the current area of ??Aoki Blessed Land is still a bit small.
Although it can accommodate the people of the Great Plains, it still seems a bit crowded.
Besides, in terms of terrain, there are not many places in the Aoki Blessed Land that can provide human habitation.
As the Aoki Paradise continues to expand and extend, the terrain within the Aoki Paradise is no longer just plain grassland.
Large tracts of mountains, hills and even low-lying swamps formed by excessive rainwater have made the terrain of Aoki Blessed Land complex and changeable.
This also leaves the Qingmu Blessed Land with more than 10,000 square kilometers of land with only more than 3,000 square kilometers available for human habitation.
Of course, if it is just for human habitation, it does not require much land, but human beings living in Qingmu Blessed Land cannot use inedia to maintain their lives. After all, they need food.
Even if the yield of crops grown in the Aoki Blessed Land is very high, the crops grown on these more than 3,000 square kilometers of land can only support the lives of five million people at most.

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