f the Qisi Jade Girl’s Ring.

f the Qisi Jade Girl’s Ring.

In any case, the storage space has indeed been enhanced.
/It must be said that Wei Xiaobei has benefited a lot from all this busy work.
By this time, Wei Xiaobei was also ready to return to Weijia Island.
During this period of time at the security base, in addition to conducting experiments on storing magic weapons, Wei Xiaobei also had plans to lure Wu Ji out.
Unfortunately, whether Wei Xiaobei went to Mopan Mountain or squatted at the security base, Wu Ji seemed to have completely left the place. Even if Wei Xiaobei expanded the electromagnetic field to the extreme, he could not find any trace of Wu Ji.
To say that Wu Ji really understood how to save his life, he didn’t give Wei Xiaobei the slightest chance and ran away in the blink of an eye.
Of course, if Wu Ji sneaks up on Wei Xiaobei and tries his best, he might be able to seriously injure Wei Xiaobei or kill him.
But Wu Ji knew that such huge benefits were linked to unspeakable dangers.
Wu Ji did not have the strong ability to predict dangers like Wei Xiaobei, but he also made the right choice instead of staying in Green Lake City and waiting for opportunities.
If he had stayed, he might have been exposed when Wei Xiaobei came back from Mopan Mountain, took a detour to Shizhong District, and then came back!
Although Wu Ji’s disguise and Thousand-Faced Man abilities are very strong, if he comes close to Wei Xiaobei, for example, a hundred meters away, it may be difficult to conceal his true identity.
Anyway, Wu Ji escaped quietly, and Wei Xiaobei took Tian Yuwen on the journey to Liusnia.
Going to Liusnia, whether to take the waterway or the dry road really put Wei Xiaobei in a dilemma.
But in the end Wei Xingwu solved the problem for Wei Xiaobei.
Two state-class tickets.
This made Wei Xiaobei a little strange: “Is Cuihu International Airport resumed operations?”
You know, since the StarCraft monster threatened the international airport, the international airport in Cuihu City has been out of service.
Indeed, Wei Xiaobei’s guess was not wrong.
Green Lake International Airport has really resumed operations.
This has to be said to be a major victory for China.
The international airport can resume operations and resume routes, which originally means that the monsters near the routes have been cleared away.
Wei Xiaobei felt happy about this.
After all, it would be really painful if you have to walk and run every time you return to Weijia Island.
Anyway, Wei Xiaobei took Tian Yuwen on the passenger plane to Hong Kong City.
Both Wei Xiaobei and Tian Yuwen had different feelings about this journey than before.
Perhaps it was because those flight attendants had a terrible enthusiasm for work after being unemployed for a long time, or maybe it was because Wei Xiaobei’s charm attribute was too high.
In short, Wei Xiaobei is very popular on the passenger plane. The flight attendants will approach Wei Xiaobei from time to time to ask whether they want water, towels, etc. Even when Tian Yuwen went to WC, there were two

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