these people have attracted the zombies, Wei Xiaobei will not let go of the evolutionary points of these activities, treating them as warm-up activities to stretch his hands and feet.

these people have attracted the zombies, Wei Xiaobei will not let go of the evolutionary points of these activities, treating them as warm-up activities to stretch his hands and feet.

After passing a girl who was running out of breath, Wei Xiaobei swung the bone knife in his right hand and decapitated the zombie with its claws stretched out.
Even if the head fell next to the girl, the girl would not have the strength to scream.
Once Wei Xiaobei makes a decision, he will not hesitate, just like how he slashed several bitten humans to death with a knife before.
After killing zombies and killing many people, Wei Xiaobei found that his understanding of sword skills was also improving rapidly. Of course, there must be the influence of Baji Quan’s proficiency in this, there is no doubt about this.
Liuhe sword technique is also a skill of Bajiquan.
Of course, in addition to this, the frequent use of knife skills in actual combat is also one of the important reasons for rapid improvement.
In fact, during ancient wars, no matter how young a recruit was, as long as he had fought more than ten battles, killed more than a hundred enemies, and survived, he would naturally become a master of swordsmanship.
The best way to refine one’s national skills is between life and death, but it is also the most dangerous way. If you fail to pay attention, you will be gone.
The sword flashed, and a young man who was being chased by a zombie couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the zombie fall. But the next moment, the bone knife chopped off his head without any mercy.
/His head flew up, with a trace of confusion in his eyes.
This scene shocked the humans who were running towards Wei Xiaobei to slow down.
Immediately, several people were dragged to the ground by the zombies chasing behind them, and then several zombies pounced on them. After a burst of screams, the zombies chewed human flesh, throats, and noses.
At this moment, Wei Xiaobei didn’t have time to explain why he suddenly killed someone.
In fact, anyone with a sharp eye would have noticed the black blood flowing out of the arm of the young man who was beheaded with a knife.
Wei Xiaobei just wanted to save him from greater pain.
Compared to when Huang Kun first entered the gray world, these people were lucky. The total number of zombies chasing them was no more than a hundred.
Under Wei Xiaobei’s continuous killings, the number of zombies decreased rapidly, and the zombies’ attention was attracted by Wei Xiaobei alone, allowing everyone to escape.
In the end, only twelve humans escaped, including men and women. Compared with the total number of more than thirty before, two-thirds had died.
Looking at Wei Xiaobei, who was sprinting back and forth among the zombies, killing a zombie with every swing of his sword, whispers spread among the people who were lucky enough to escape.
“This is a devil. I will report him to the police station when I return!”
A young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a white shirt stained with dust said angrily.

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