f snow-white and smooth wings had fallen off, and the remaining one had become dilapidated. The most terrible thing was that a streak appeared on Feijian’s sword. There was a crack that was about to break, but there was still some pale golden liquid left in the crack, emitting a strange fragrance.

f snow-white and smooth wings had fallen off, and the remaining one had become dilapidated. The most terrible thing was that a streak appeared on Feijian’s sword. There was a crack that was about to break, but there was still some pale golden liquid left in the crack, emitting a strange fragrance.

Wei Xiaobei focused his eyes on Feiyi Feijian and activated the omniscience.
Then the attribute table of the Feather Wing Sword appeared in Wei Xiaobei’s field of vision.
What Wei Xiaobei never expected was that this Winged Flying Sword was not dead at all, and actually still had a faint breath of life, but its soul strength had declined to less than twenty.
After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei took out the ink gun from the storage ring.
As soon as the big ink gun left the storage ring, it suddenly became excited. A black and white mist emerged from the head of the gun, and then enveloped the flying sword like a hungry wolf pouncing on food.
The Feathered Flying Sword, which originally seemed to be dead, now started to struggle violently like a loach that was short of water.
But at this time, the Feather Wings Sword was already too weak. No matter how hard it struggled, it could not get out of the black and white mist.
On the contrary, traces of light golden breath continued to float out along the crack, and were continuously absorbed by the black and white mist.
However, this light golden aura was not too much. After a few moments, there was no more light golden aura coming out of the crack.
Undoubtedly, the black and white mist seemed not to be full at all, and then began to corrode the blade of the Feathered Flying Sword.
In Wei Xiaobei’s vision, the Feathered Flying Sword was soon dyed black and white, as if it had turned into an ink painting. As the Feathered Flying Sword all turned into black and white, the black and white mist became Start to retract the gun tip.
After a while, the black and white mist and the flying swords disappeared from the gun head.
what happened?
Wei Xiaobei then checked the ink gun and found that it had not changed much. It must be that the winged flying sword was not enough for it to evolve?
Later, Wei Xiaobei took out a series of remains of the weapon monsters from the storage ring, including the Flying God Spear Demon, the Xuanhua Board Axe, the Nine-section Whip, etc. Although these weapon monsters were only three-star terrifying, their combat effectiveness was in many cases , but no less ordinary than four stars.
/But what Wei Xiaobei didn’t expect was that when the remains of these weapon monsters came in front of the big ink gun, the big ink gun didn’t move at all, as if it didn’t care about the food at all.
Is this guy becoming a bit mouthy?
Wei Xiaobei reluctantly took back all the remains of the weapon demon into the storage ring, and then took out a drop of the blood of Long Bo’s people.
The blood of Long Bo’s people is completely different from human blood. Its color is dark green. When held in the palm of your hand, it is like a dark green gem. It i

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