dings, Tu Qingqing’s eyes were filled with surprise.

dings, Tu Qingqing’s eyes were filled with surprise.

Fortunately, Tu Qingqing didn’t let Wei Xiaobei explain the giant TV screens hanging on those high-rise buildings. Otherwise, Wei Xiaobei would have had the urge to commit suicide.
Tu Qingqing, who didn’t understand modern society at all, was absolutely terrified when he asked questions.
Of course, with Tu Qingqing’s intelligence, even if he didn’t understand it at the moment, he still kept it in mind. The more he understood, the more he would understand.
After a few turns, the off-road vehicle stopped at the entrance of Cheng’s Martial Arts Hall.
Tu Qingqing seemed to like Cheng’s Martial Arts School, which had a rather quaint style, much more than those high-rise buildings.
Hearing that Wei Xiaobei was back, Zhao Guang hurried back quickly. When he saw Wei Xiaobei, he hurriedly saluted: “I’ve met my second uncle.”
“Zhao Guang, this is your second aunt.”
Wei Xiaobei nodded and immediately introduced him to Zhao Guang.
“I’ve met my second aunt!”
After hearing Wei Xiaobei’s introduction, Zhao Guang naturally did not dare to neglect and hurriedly saluted Tu Qingqing.
Tu Qingqing was much better at dealing with people than Wei Xiaobei. Hearing Zhao Guang call her aunt, she felt happy and smiled. Then she took something out of her sleeve and handed it to Zhao Guang as a greeting gift.
This object is a small blue stone, and it seems to have a strange luster inside.
This is?
Wei Xiaobei immediately activated his powerful knowledge!
Name: Pearl of Ou Yu.
Introduction: This is the semen bead in Yu Yu’s head. After wearing it, it can turn evil into good luck.
Well, the introduction to this thing is very simple.
What’s left? Wei Xiaobei thought for a moment and realized that this bird was a strange bird recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. It had three heads and six tails and looked like a crow. But its meat could prevent people from having nightmares and ward off bad luck after eating it. .
“This is a nice thing. It’s a gift from your aunt. Remember to keep it with you.”
When Wei Xiaobei saw that Zhao Guang wanted to refuse, he smiled and said.
“Oh, thank you, second aunt.”
Zhao Guang is an honest boy. Hearing what his second uncle said, he hurriedly accepted it.
If Wei Xiaobei could vaguely sense that Zhao Guang was in bad luck, of course, if this were not the case, Zhao Yun would not rush to send Zhao Guang out of the gray world.
/Undoubtedly, if this extra pearl is placed on Zhao Guang, it can help him a little bit.
There were too many people in the Fengtou Mountain Valley, so Wei Xiaobei never cooked by himself.
Wei Xiaobei couldn’t wait for this.
This is not to say that Wei Xiaobei wants to show off, but that he wants to give Tu Qingqing the status he deserves.
Of course, although Xu Feiyang and Shan Bing are Wei Xiaobei’s friends, they are not the closest to them and can only be regarded as a preview.
But now in Cuihu City, the vegetable market is in a slump. Wei Xiaobei went out for a walk and bought some vegetables. In the end,

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