

Not just for my own storage bracelet! !
Within Wei Xiaobei’s social circle, only Qisi Yunu could modify the storage bracelet.
With the news about the Qi Si Jade Girl, Wei Xiaobei also patted his chest for the City God, and even if he had to fight hard, he would help him solve the Tiantian Mountain matter.
Well, from a performance perspective. This city god actually took advantage of it.
It was a simple thing to inform the Qi Si Jade Girl, but it was not an easy task to clean up the projection of Heaven Mountain that was entrenched outside the Baita County.
Someone may ask, isn’t Ge Datian also from the Heavenly Court camp? Why didn’t Wei Xiaobei ask him to contact Qi Si Yunu?
Having said this, Wei Xiaobei was so angry that he couldn’t even shake his heart.
Ge Datian didn’t know what happened during this period, and Wei Xiaobei couldn’t contact him at all. If he hadn’t seen the effect of Ge Datian’s “Live and Die Together” in the attribute panel, Wei Xiaobei really thought that the old guy had died.
Even its clone exhausted its power and disappeared completely.
If this were not the case, why would Wei Xiaobei have to make such a difficult deal with the City God?
Anyway, it was done.
While waiting for Qisi Jade Girl to appear, Wei Xiaobei was not idle. Instead, he acted as the chef of the City God’s Temple, borrowing the food and seasonings produced by the City God’s Temple to cook food every day.
This is beneficial to both parties.
Wei Xiaobei saved the time of looking for high-quality seasonings. Although the seasonings in Chenghuang Temple were not the best, they were at least several times better than the seasonings in reality.
At the same time, as long as he cooks something magical, Wei Xiaobei will stuff it into his storage bracelet without hesitation and will never take it out to share with the City God.
The City God can take this opportunity to enjoy delicacies that cannot be enjoyed in the City God’s Temple. Although it is only rare food, it makes the City God extremely satisfied.
You know, the ingredients Wei Xiaobei took out from the storage bracelet were all excellent.
The City God was also able to identify that these ingredients were produced by water demons, and it was absolutely impossible to see these ingredients in Baita County.
You know, such precious food that contains a lot of evil spirits has great benefits for a local deity like the City God.
/This can be seen from Xiong Biao who eats and drinks with him from time to time.
He had just broken through to the three-star level of terror before, and many of them were aided by the god’s status. If the god’s status were removed, his strength would probably immediately fall to the three-star level.
However, after eating rare food with Wei Xiaobei for about a week, his strength suddenly reached the three-star terrifying bottleneck. If there was a chance, he should not have many problems breaking through to four-star ordinary.
Judging from Wei Xiaobei’s perspective, even if Xiong Biao removes his divine status, he can still main

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