ng process was completed, the storage bracelet immediately returned to its previous watch style.

ng process was completed, the storage bracelet immediately returned to its previous watch style.

Wei Xiaobei scooped up a bowl of chicken porridge and sat on the table to eat it.
/The blood sucking when recognizing the master does not recognize the person. No matter who you are, blood will be drawn. Even if Wei Xiaobei didn’t add something at this time, he would probably stagger when he walked.
/After some supplementation, the effect of the rare chicken porridge was combined with Wei Xiaobei’s already extremely powerful recovery ability. It didn’t take long for most of the lost blood to be recovered.
After that, Wei Xiaobei took the small pot and went to Zhu Xinyi’s room.
At this time, Zhu Xinyi also happened to wake up.
“Here, my master made this specially for you to replenish your blood and qi.”
When Wei Xiaobei said this, Zhu Xinyi thought of her menstrual period and couldn’t help but blush slightly.
However, she had lost too much blood before. At this time, Zhu Xinyi was also hungry, so she didn’t care about being shy. She took the small bowl Wei Xiaobei handed her and started to devour it.
After Zhu Xinyi had eaten and drank enough and continued to lie down and slowly fell into a deep sleep, Wei Xiaobei came to the warehouse.
It’s relatively empty here, and it’s not easy to attract attention.
Now that he has recovered, Wei Xiaobei is ready to increase his fire resistance again.
Bi Fang still has two copies of ordinary blood.
Wei Xiaobei estimated that one portion of ordinary blood would not be enough, so after raising the storage bracelet high above his head, Wei Xiaobei simply released the two portions of Bifang’s ordinary blood.
As a trace of Bifang’s blood fell on Wei Xiaobei’s head, Wei Xiaobei immediately felt a burning sting. The next moment, Bifang’s blood covered the entire top of his head, flowing along his forehead and back of his head. It spread downwards, and flames suddenly appeared wherever it passed. The hair was instantly burned to ashes, and the skin immediately turned white.
Wei Xiaobei had experienced this kind of pain caused by flames many times, so he could barely bear it. He just gritted his teeth and silently endured the pain of high temperature that continued to seep into his body.
After all the two volumes of blood were released, Wei Xiaobei immediately started a sensor search to smear the parts of his body that had not been contaminated by blood one by one.
To be honest, if anyone saw it at this time, they would probably be scared to death.
As if he felt that he could not die quickly enough, Wei Xiaobei kept groping his body with his hands, smearing handfuls of flaming blood all over his body.
This burning process lasted for more than half an hour.
By this time, all the clothes on Wei Xiaobei’s body were burned, his hair was gone, and the skin on his body had turned into charcoal. If he made any random movements, the charcoal skin on his body would fall off with blood.
Although Wei Xiaobei was badly burned, his heart felt filled with joy, and his attention was

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