i Golden Summit.”

i Golden Summit.”

He turned his head and said to the sad-looking old man: “Fu Yi, since your predecessor has ascended, his place of ascension must still be there. Let’s go to his place of ascension to take a look.”
The sad-looking old man wished he could fly back to E Mei immediately and nodded repeatedly when he heard the words.
Xu Ying called Zhu Chanchan and said, “Chanchan, do you want to go to Emei Golden Summit together?”
Zhuchanchan turned her head blankly and said to him: “Aba Aba.”
Behind the girl’s head, purple grass leaves were shaking.
Xu Ying was helpless: “It’s up to you, don’t let it go to waste.”
“Aba Aba.”
Xu Ying grabbed the sad-looking old man and jumped on the forehead of An Qi, who showed his true form. The big snake was more than three hundred feet long. He was still a boy, not yet an adult, and exuded a powerful aura of a giant beast from the ancient times.
This breath aroused Jin Buye to wake up from his sleep and wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth.
Xian Qi was afraid of being targeted by it, so he hurriedly activated his sword energy, his figure gradually rose into the air, and the sword energy circled around his body and flew away through the air.
Although he has awakened the bloodline of the ancient giant beast, he is still a demon clan qi refiner and Nuo master. This qi and blood is really powerful and can be compared with the adult giant beast.
He was very good, but Dazhong, Jin Buyi and Purple Immortal Grass were too strong and outclassed him.
An Qi flew for a long time and finally arrived at Emei after the world was unsealed. He saw that the mountains here were even better than Jiuyi Mountain. There were majestic and majestic mountains everywhere, and there were even soaring mountains above some mountains. The sun is falling!
Unlike other places, the Ascension Land here is often exposed!
Every place with soaring rays of light is a golden dome with a magnificent palace. In its heyday, countless Qi refiners practiced here!
Even now, Xu Ying could still see the figures of Qi Refiners flying by in the mountains. Obviously, in this era, many Qi Refiners came to live here.
The sad-looking old man looked around, searched, raised his finger to one of the golden domes, and said: “That’s where my predecessor ascended!”
/An Qi flew away and landed on the golden top of the mountain.
There is a grand and spectacular palace here. Some young Qi practitioners in the palace came to watch when they saw the giant snake falling.
Someone recognized Xu Ying and shouted happily: “This is Mr. Xu, the immortal immortal!”
Xu Ying looked around and saw that it must be Xu Fu’s disciple, but he couldn’t remember his name.
/The sad-looking old man quickly came to the ascending glow on the golden roof and said: “My predecessor ascended here! Promise, he ascended to the fairy world right here!”
Xu Ying looked up, his mind moving slightly. Countless eyes, big and small, popped up in the air around the glow, observing the rising glow from all angles.
These eyes are the eyes of the sky, a

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