f the flowers. When the sensation went away, I suddenly felt that the quiet room seemed to be isolated from the human world.

f the flowers. When the sensation went away, I suddenly felt that the quiet room seemed to be isolated from the human world.

It was precisely because of this isolation that Teacher Yuting breathed a sigh of relief.
/She patted her forehead in frustration.
“What an injustice! This world is so big, but why can’t we go anywhere in the outer sea?”
Just as he was muttering softly like this, he didn’t know what he was thinking of. Suddenly, Shi Yuting turned his hand and held a Taoist book in his hand.
/On the cover was written a line of small ancient seal characters: “Baihualou Yunyangyangyangyigong Yiqi’s Essential Principles of All Laws”.
When looking carefully, the pages of this Taoist book are slightly turned, as if someone has been reading them frequently.
So, Shi Yuting simply lay lazily on the cloud bed, while turning the pages of the book, and with a wave of his hand, he saw the sutra pillars hanging down, like gauze curtains.
There was no human figure in the cascading surroundings, and all that could be heard was the sound of pages turning over time, and the rustling noises surrounding it.
But after a while, Xu Shiyuting was already fascinated by the book.
Without checking for a moment, Qinghe suddenly opened the door of the quiet room and rushed straight into the forest of Jingzhu.
“Master, a golden elixir decree has been sent to me, asking our Baihualou to help host the ceremony feast. The ancestor taught me to ask the master what you mean, it is Yushu.”
“Huh? What are you looking at, Master? Why are you still hiding it and not teaching me to see it?”
“Eh tsk”
Suddenly, after practicing the method, several days passed.
During this day, when Chu Weiyang was still immersed in the dual-purpose meditation, he suddenly sensed Pei Wenli’s Qi moving from far to near, approaching the Taoist Palace.
So, Chu Weiyang slowly opened his eyes, and a faint light flashed from his eyes like thunder. Then, Chu Weiyang’s body vertically turned into a blue wave of light, and then flew to the road. At the door of the palace.
Seeing Chu Weiyang’s figure appear, Pei Wenli was busy bowing again when he turned his hand and took out a jade slip.
“Reporting to the island owner, in the past few days, Junior Brother Lu Zhanglu and I have personally traveled around. There are also scattered isolated islands that are not protected by monks at the foundation-building level. There are some blood evil monks hiding in twos and threes. They are all out of place. , on the surrounding islands, there are dojos where monks of the foundation-building realm protect the monks of the Blood Demon Dao. They are only a handful of palms apart. There is only one dojo of the foundation-building realm. Of these three places, the sea maps are all in the jade slips. Please excuse me. The island owner has taken a look.”
On the spot, Chu Weiyang calmly weighed the jade slip in his hand, and his spiritual thoughts were already sweeping through the place between the lightning and flint.
So, Chu Weiyang nodded slightly, then turned around and walked

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