a literary fight unexpectedly made the Yan people the main force supporting Chu Kuang!

a literary fight unexpectedly made the Yan people the main force supporting Chu Kuang!

Before, David worked step by step, calculating Chu Kuang at every step.
Chu Kuang’s response, in everyone’s opinion, was just a simple and crude response.
But at this moment, some people speculated that maybe Chu Kuang was also a chess player.
He is playing a big game of chess with David, and his chess skills are even better than David’s!
Obviously David took advantage of Bai Jie and the first half of “Legend of the Sea”.
However, Chu Kuang used this literary fight to almost make the entire Yanzhou market his own!
Obviously before this, the Yan people were dissatisfied with Chu Kuang because of Chu Kuang’s one-on-nine suppression of the fairy tale world in Yanzhou.
Now, he has completely resolved the grudge in Yan Ren’s heart and made Yan Ren his most loyal believer.
Is this result really just a coincidence?
This result is so incredible
It was so unbelievable that everyone began to suspect that Chu Kuang accepted Wen Dou this time, not to defeat David, but to seek the return of a Yan man!
Defeating David might just be incidental.
Otherwise, how else to explain that Chu Kuang didn’t accept Bai Jie’s invitation to a literary fight before?
“Too cruel!”
“I finally understand why Chu Kuang didn’t accept Bai Jie’s invitation.”
“Because Chu Kuang can’t bear to hurt the Yan people anymore, he doesn’t want to completely offend the Yan people!”
“Think about it, if Bai Jie is defeated by Chu Kuang, how much will the Yan people hate Chu Kuang?”
“Look how much David was disliked by the Yan people after he killed Bai Jie?”
/“Chu Kuang’s clever move was to let David defeat Bai Jie in seconds, letting David be the villain, and then he would appear as a hero to defeat David and conquer the hearts of the Yan people!”
“Before this, the people of Yan regarded Chu Kuang as the villain’s boss.”
“Now, everything is reversed.”
“Even if the Yan people know it, they still have to appreciate it, because Chu Kuang is the one they asked for help!”
“This wave, Chu Kuang is in the atmosphere, no, it should be outer space!”
“David used Bai Jie, and Chu Kuang used David. They are all interconnected, the emperor’s mind tricks!”
The mantis stalks the cicada while the oriole follows behind!
After this analysis, people in the fairy tale circles from all continents feel that it makes sense.
Because this series of changes was such a coincidence.
It was such a coincidence that everyone no longer believed it was a coincidence.
Yanzhou has been shouting “Qinzhou Chu Kuang has the appearance of a great emperor” for so long, but it’s really not in vain.
There is nothing wrong with the emperor’s posture in this wave of calculations!
The wood has become a boat.
No matter how the outside world interprets it, it cannot change the fact that the pre-sales of Chu Kuang’s new book are booming.
And in this pre-sale frenzy.
/The Yan people showed the most passion.
A scene that stunned everyone happened:
A certain news item said: “Legend of the

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