0 miles away from Su City.

0 miles away from Su City.

“Old Chen, take care. If anyone wants to take my head off, they will probably kill you first!” Wang Xuan reminded in a deep voice.
That night, Wang Xuan received some messages from Zhong Cheng in a secret language. There was a super chaebol behind this incident!
“Sure enough, a storm is coming!” He thought, if it wasn’t in a big first-tier city, someone might have bombarded him and Lao Chen with warships.
“At present, it seems that some people really don’t want extraordinary people to appear. Even if they have extraordinary power, they still have to control it in their hands.” Zhong Cheng reminded him to be careful, as there is about to be a terrible siege.
He was shocked because he heard from the elders in his family that there had been similar incidents in Xinshu. They had experienced two extremely serious spacecraft malfunctions in outer space, and there was a high probability of being “crash”.
No matter how powerful the people in the new art field are, they do not have the ability to travel long distances. They cannot freely travel between the super star universe and the new star. They need to ride on the interstellar spacecraft of a big force.
At present, the people on the Xinju side should bow their heads. Behind them, there are mysterious forces making various arrangements.
Soon after, Zhou Yun told Wang Xuan some information about the Gray Blood Organization in secret words, and mentioned a possible stronghold.
That night, Lao Chen also learned a lot of information through his own connections. And, at dawn, he left Yong’an City suddenly.
Then, he broke into a mountainous area two hundred miles away and attacked forcefully.
On that day, a stronghold of the Gray Blood Organization was uprooted by Lao Chen with extraordinary power!
After the news came out, all parties were shocked. The hunt for extraordinary people had not yet begun, but Chen Yongjie took action first? He is quite strong!
It was a branch of the Gray Blood Organization. He didn’t know who told him, but he detonated the underground energy system and razed it to the ground.
/If this was a beheading operation against a big force, the success rate would be extremely high!
All parties could not calm down, so Chen Yongjie took the initiative and had no intention of bowing his head.
“It is rumored that we did not issue a killing order for Wang Xuan, and someone pretended to be us and deliberately muddied the waters!” They were extremely angry and denounced Chen Yongjie as the executioner.
Many people were stunned.
Even Wang Xuan was quite surprised when he received the news. This matter had nothing to do with the Gray Blood Organization? Are they being dragged into the water and are outsiders?
Naturally, Lao Chen would not publicly admit that he had once again uprooted a branch of the Gray Blood Organization. He denied this and expressed deep regret.
Soon, he asked Qian An to spread the word to the relevant circles for him. There would be more than just three or five extraordinary people, and they would appe

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