

As the sun rises, all things begin. Crystal dewdrops roll on the leaves of flowers, plants and vines, blooming in the morning glow. All kinds of vegetation are full of vitality.
The sun-drenched mountain forest is steaming with energy and mist. It looks peaceful, but it is also dangerous.
The huge raptor in the sky cut through the morning glow and made a sharp cry. The monster in the distance suddenly howled, shaking the peaceful beauty of the early morning mountain forest.
This is the secret place, reminding people to be alert.
Zhao Qinghan was tall and slender, walking slowly towards her. She completely ignored the singing and roaring of birds and beasts deep in the forest. Her delicate and beautiful face was glowing in the morning glow.
Her shoulder-length hair seemed to be shining, and her eyes were bright. She came closer and looked at Wang Xuan without saying a word.
“Aren’t you afraid that I will kill someone and silence you?” Wang Xuan looked away from Grandmaster Ma and looked sideways at her.
“Don’t be afraid.” Zhao Qinghan came to him. She was tall and tall, about 170 centimeters tall. She looked up at him and smiled.
“I’ll keep your secret.”
She usually looks cool most of the time, but now when she smiles, she looks extraordinarily bright and beautiful, with an aura of youth and sweetness.
“No one else will know that you became a grand master in such a short period of time. This is a secret between you and me!” Zhao Qinghan said with a smile, seeming to be very happy to be able to keep such a secret that only belongs to the two of us.
Today, she saw Wang Xuan taking action and actually killing the great masters from foreign lands one after another. She was shocked in her heart. She never thought that the classmate Wang next to her had reached such a level.
At that moment, she was in a daze, and it was really hard to believe.
/Because this is someone she is familiar with and understands very well, but his true strength is so astonishing.
Under the soft light of the rising red sun, Zhao Qinghan raised the corners of his mouth slightly with a smile. He put his hands on Wang Xuan’s shoulders and looked at him carefully.
She stood up gently on her tiptoes, then quickly kissed Wang Xuan on the face, and then stepped back. Her bright red lips were very sexy, even more delicate in the morning glow.
This move was somewhat beyond Wang Xuan’s expectations.
He said killing people and silencing them was naturally a joke, and the other party understood it. At the same time, Wang Xuan believed that she would not reveal his secrets.
In his opinion, classmate Zhao is sensible and smart, has his own principles, and is very skillful in handling things, but he is really good to his classmate.
Before coming to Mi Di, she had said that as long as nothing happened to her, he would not be in danger.
/After coming here, she did exactly that, letting him stay with her, even when she slept next to him at night.
It is precisely because of this that Wang Xuan took the risk to save her. Under the monster’s claws

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