he mission to ambush Duke Arthur. With Duke Arthur’s vengeful character, there is a high probability that he will take revenge on the Jenner family. Of course, at this time, we must seize the opportunity and kill Ya The Duke of Ser solved the problem to avoid future troubles.

he mission to ambush Duke Arthur. With Duke Arthur’s vengeful character, there is a high probability that he will take revenge on the Jenner family. Of course, at this time, we must seize the opportunity and kill Ya The Duke of Ser solved the problem to avoid future troubles.

Subsequently, the Mather family, the Bottom family, the Milner family and the Muir family, four top noble families who also had fifth-level Templars involved in the mission to ambush David, also agreed to take the initiative to deal with Duke Arthur on Baruch.
But only these five top nobles are like this, and the other top nobles firmly disagree.
Although the two parties were in the conference room in a projected state, they were constantly arguing with each other, and no one could convince the other.
Finally, everyone turned their attention to Speaker Abe. The plan to ambush David this time was formulated by Speaker Abe, and he is the leader of this top noble alliance.
Speaker Abe hadn’t spoken yet, but Lord Marcus was disheartened. He used the price of energy clone to confirm that Duke Arthur was in Baruch.
But the allies here are wasting time. Lord Marcus doesn’t even know how long Duke Arthur will stay on Baruch, not to mention that he doesn’t have much time himself, and there is no time to waste at all.
In front of the planet-level portal of Baruch Star, the energy clone of Lord Marcus was instantly destroyed. This process was all seen by the fourth-level sky knights flying in the sky a thousand meters away.
/Suddenly the alarm sounded loudly, and thirty-five level four sky knights in the sky gathered towards this side at extremely fast speeds.
The thirty-five level four sky knights knew that the one who could destroy the energy clone of Lord Marcus would never be a weak one, so while gathering together, they formed a knight battle formation in the sky.
The third-level earth knights inside and outside Baruch Castle were a little slower, but they were also coming over quickly.
David ignored the knights of the Baruch family who were rushing over. He came to the planet-level portal, and his spirit swept over the planet-level portal, and the light of the planet-level portal quickly dimmed.
He used his ‘Alchemy Master’ ability to forcefully close the planet-level portal and cut off the connection between Baruch and the outside world.
Of course, with the financial resources of the top nobles of the Baruch family, there would definitely not be only one portal on the Baruch planet, but David did not believe that the Baruch family would place the two portals very close to each other.
When he used Shadow Attendant to explore Baruch Castle before, he did not find any small or medium-sized portals there.
David closed the planet-level portal, at least cutting off the connection between this area and the outside world.
In a moment, thirty-five level four sky knights were already overhead and were about to dive towards him. Hundreds of level three earth knights on the other side also formed a large knight battle formation, still about 600 m

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