rating with the defensive patterns and sounding the alarm when appropriate.

rating with the defensive patterns and sounding the alarm when appropriate.

Justus, a fourth-level sky knight, was thinking and walking when he suddenly felt a burst of heart palpitations, which made him feel a little strange.
Because the nearest energy clones of the two fifth-level Templars are only 800 meters away from him. The two energy clones can reach this distance within two breaths. It can be said that this distance is the defensive distance of the fifth-level Templars.
Just when Justus, the fourth-level sky knight, felt strange, a figure appeared from behind him and grabbed his neck with one hand.
Instinctively, he wanted to resist, but the huge force coming from that hand made him unable to struggle, and his neck was broken.
David controlled the ‘Shadow Pteranodon’ to fly to his chosen target. A level 4 sky knight appeared from behind. Before releasing the ‘invisibility’ state, his right hand was placed on the neck of the level 4 sky knight.
Just because they were in different spaces, David’s hands could not touch the fourth-level sky knight. However, as the ‘invisibility’ state was lifted, he did not need to move his hands once he was revealed, and he grabbed the neck of the fourth-level sky knight. .
The power is equivalent to that of a fifth-level Templar, but what a fourth-level Sky Knight can resist.
In one breath, David finished off the fourth-level sky knight. He still had time to put away the body of the fourth-level sky knight and swipe his sword at the five third-level earth knights next to him.
The fifth-level light long sword easily swept the five third-level earth knights into two pieces. After completing the battle, David controlled the ‘Shadow Winged Dragon’ to activate ‘stealth’ and ‘teleportation’, and then appeared a hundred meters away. outside.
“Enemy attack!” The knights nearby saw the attack and couldn’t help shouting.
The two nearest energy clones also felt the breath of battle, and flew towards this direction as soon as David took action.
/Just halfway through the flight, David ended the battle and disappeared again.
The two energy avatars left their positions and were more than a kilometer away from another group of knights. When the two energy avatars were still checking the scene, trying to find David’s figure, the ‘Shadow Pterodactyl’ ‘Took David to another group of knights.
The same attack method, without any changes, is very practical.
He broke the neck of the fourth-level sky knight with one hand, killed the rest of the knights in the group, and finally used the innate ability of the ‘Shadow Winged Dragon’ to escape from the battlefield.
In just tens of seconds, David carried out five raids and eliminated the fifth-level knight.
As a result, all the knights had to maintain defensive knight formations and did not dare to move anymore.
It’s not that the previous knight group didn’t form a knight battle formation, it’s just that David appeared too suddenly. After appearing, he directly killed the core fourth-level sky knight of the knight battle formation.

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