m him? Or is it that there is a chaebol who is extremely suspicious of him and wants to reveal his secret?

m him? Or is it that there is a chaebol who is extremely suspicious of him and wants to reveal his secret?

He frowned. If it was just a normal temptation, that would be fine. If someone thought too much and forced him to become stronger, those people must not regret it!
“Xiao Wang, is this health regimen effective only this time, or can it be carried out in the future?” Qian An asked, is it sustainable? This was important, and he was looking forward to it.
/Wang Xuan told him that health care should be taken step by step. Normally, there is no problem in extending his life for several years!
Qian An’s eyes suddenly shone brightly. They were not like the eyes of an old man at all. They were bright and bright. There was a smile on his face, and even the wrinkles were relaxed.
Their chat became more speculative, and soon Qian An personally took out a scripture and gave it to Wang Xuan and Lao Chen to look at. It turned out to be the legendary Five-Colored Golden Alchemy Book!
It is one of the peerless secrets in the realm of Jindan Dao!
Wang Xuan once came into contact with some of the spiritual secrets of this scripture, called the Five-Colored Golden Pill Yuanshen Technique, which Zhao Qinghan exchanged for him from Zhong Qing.
Wang Xuan and Lao Chen looked at each other. Just now, the two of them were preparing to leave their bodies and wanted to explore the Taoist temple to see if there were any more amazing scriptures.
Unexpectedly, Qian An himself sent a heavyweight scripture!
In this world, this is already among the top secrets in the Jindan and Nascent Soul routes.
“It’s gone.” Lao Chen left his body and walked around, convinced that there were indeed no other secret books in the Taoist temple. He thought that all the Qian family’s scriptures could not be placed here.
Wang Xuan said: “I’ll take a rest and help you activate your blood later and stimulate the activity of your five internal organs. The effect can be improved to a higher level.”
After getting the top secret book, he wanted to express it.
At the same time, he wanted to go out of his body to see the strange feathered objects here, and wanted to try what difference it would make if he observed them with his spiritual eyes.
Wang Xuan closed his eyes and stopped moving. Lao Chen guarded his body and chatted with Qian An.
In an instant, Wang Xuan’s spirit left his body and he saw something different. Mysterious particles expanded from the main hall, like ripples.
He quickly approached. The feathered strange object here was a half-section of a copper wall. It was really made of brass. It had been struck by lightning and had been melted.
Only a small section of half a meter high remains, built between the walls of the main hall, with only part exposed.
The Feathered Strange Object is a piece of bone inside it, which is hidden in the copper wall. There is some residual spiritual energy in the bone.
The remaining spirit is a faint shadow, sleeping quietly and silently. There is a hazy gap behind it, as if it is connected to a fuzzy world, a

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