didn’t stop and said: “Sister, please don’t glare at me. I can’t stand the Holy Power. By the way, it’s the Taoist companion that Senior Brother Yu Yan helped you find. His name is Wang Xuan. Really He is unparalleled in the world and has broken 6 more than once. Do you know how talented he is? He is less than three thousand years old!”

didn’t stop and said: “Sister, please don’t glare at me. I can’t stand the Holy Power. By the way, it’s the Taoist companion that Senior Brother Yu Yan helped you find. His name is Wang Xuan. Really He is unparalleled in the world and has broken 6 more than once. Do you know how talented he is? He is less than three thousand years old!”

When Wanying heard this, she immediately became even more angry. She wanted to beat the two of them to death. They were little milk wolves who were less than three thousand years old? How can I be so kind as to mention it!
“Really, it is possible that he is less than 2,500 years old, but he can beat up the elders violently. If he can become a Taoist couple, he will be a good match.” Gu Hong crackled and transformed into a loudspeaker.
“I think you two deserve a beating!” That day, Zhensheng Wanying beat Yu Yan and Gu Hong until they cried for father and mother, and gave them a hard education and punishment.
After the beating, she was still not relieved and said: “My age can be calculated in epochs. How dare you make the decision for me and find a younger brother who is more than 2,000 years old?”
“Senior Sister, this is nothing. He is really out of line. Even if you become a true saint, you may not be a match for him, a strange person.” When Gu Hong was cut to tears, he was busy and confused, and all kinds of things happened. “Hardcore” explanation.
Sure enough, the two brothers were brutally beaten again, and it was horrific.
“Wang Xuan, right? Where is he? Oh, in the dojo over there. Let me go and see how strong he is. Even a true saint like me is no match for him?”
/The senior sister Wan Ying of Tianyuan Dojo appeared as a true saint, which really caused a great sensation.
/“The iceberg beauty in Lupo Dojo has become a true saint?”
“The beautiful and fragrant senior sister of Tianyuan Dojo has become a creature in the highest realm. Where is she going?”
Not long after Wang Xuan returned from the other side of the universe, someone worshiped the mountain and found that she was a female saint, but she didn’t recognize her.
Wan Ying said: “I heard that fellow Taoist can resist the true saint with a strange body, so I took the liberty to come to the door today. I also want to invite Haihan. I want to discuss with fellow Taoist.”
Wang Xuan couldn’t help being surprised when he heard it, and then he readily agreed without refusing.
Because, ever since he set foot at the end of the alien realm, he has always wanted to compare with the True Sage to see who is weak and who is the real big brother.
As for the brief collision with the mechanical Tengu in the past, that doesn’t count at all, because the Dog Saint is a newly created incarnation, and there are still various flaws in it. It is not perfect at all and needs to be polished.
Strangers attack the true saint!
This was an idea that Wang Xuan had had a long time ago, and he had long wanted to put it into practice, because all the saints in the New World had traveled far away.
“I’m going, the true saint challenges the str

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