alize the 15 colored bamboos, which was of great use to her.

alize the 15 colored bamboos, which was of great use to her.

Because back then, Fang Yuzhu became an immortal and achieved the path to transcendence, etc., all related to the emergence of divine bamboos. Even her residence was planted with various immortal bamboos.
Now, the appearance of a 15-color strange bamboo had a huge impact on her.
“It’s okay for now, you don’t have to face it and visualize it anymore.” Fang Yuzhu said, she knew what the Qizhu involved in the Lu Break field meant.
It must not be brought to the outside world now, otherwise something big will happen. Everything can be left to the future. The charm of the strange bamboo that she can capture is enough for now.
“Old Lu, it’s so boring for you to hide in Chongxiao Palace like this. Come and explore the sea of ????stars with me. See the great rivers and mountains in the extraordinary center. It’s better than you staying here, right?”
In a place outside the world, where the Sword Fairy is located in the True Saint Dojo, Wang Xuan came and went directly to the place where the health-preserving furnace was waiting.
In the era when all the saints disappeared, the health furnace was considered a very important member in Chongxiao Temple.
/“If I don’t go, if I walk with you, nothing will happen!” Yangsheng Lu looked like he had seen through the world and understood him extremely well.
Back then, when it was in the parent universe, it wasn’t like it had never gotten along with this kid. Especially after the new universe found out that he had broken the world, it didn’t even want to fight with him to conquer the world.
It was very decisive and said: “If anything happens, please let me know. If nothing happens, you don’t have to look for me. As for walking with you all year round, no need!”
Keeping a low profile is the principle it adheres to, and what have these little monsters done? In the recent 10 years of disappearance, he actually ran into the source of the extraordinary center with a group of old Jedi monsters.
This experience is indeed exciting enough, and he has become the leading brother, which is even more legendary. However, ordinary creatures really can’t hold it back. If they dare to participate, they will die miserably.
Wang Xuan felt that given its temperament, it could live for many epochs even if it didn’t transform. A tortoise could find a trap to hide in for half its life.
“Wang Xuan!” The Sword Fairy finally came out of seclusion. Her hair was like a waterfall and her white clothes were as white as snow. She was still extremely ethereal. She carried the fairy sword on her back and transcended the world.
She started to compete with swords when she came up, but unfortunately, now she is really no match. They are competing with each other in the same realm. The fairy sword in her hand was shaken by Wang Xuan and the light of the sword dimmed.
Of course, she did not use the recovered Zixiao Hedao Broken Sword, which was a quasi-treasure.
“No fight, how many years have you, a monster, been practicing? You don’t think that you w

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