and stronger, and various heaven and earth avenues awakened from his Hongmeng Avenue. The speed was so fast that even she could not Jaw-dropping!

and stronger, and various heaven and earth avenues awakened from his Hongmeng Avenue. The speed was so fast that even she could not Jaw-dropping!

“He has a very high level of understanding on Hongmeng Avenue!”
Just when she thought of this, she suddenly realized that Xu Ying’s Hongmeng Avenue seemed to have reached a bottleneck and was difficult to break through.
Her Hongmeng Avenue has reached the Great Perfection of the Dao Master Realm, and she immediately knew what the problem was that trapped Xu Ying, and immediately sent a message: “Bewildered but not violating, faint and returning together, super Hongmeng, mixed with Xiyi, lonely and indifferent I know that this is a secret teaching that will last for countless kalpas.”
When Xu Ying heard this, he suddenly realized what he didn’t understand before. In the flood source within his body, all the great avenues of heaven and earth awakened one after another, and each of them wandered into Hongmeng!
In an instant, his Hongmeng Avenue included hundreds of thousands of heaven and earth avenues, and hundreds of thousands of heaven and earth avenues were on par with the realm of Hongmeng Avenue!
At the same time, according to Hongmeng’s evidence-based Tai Chi, hundreds of thousands of great ways turned into the Five Tai Chi, Tai Yi, Tai Shi, Tai Chu, Tai Su, Tai Chi, filling these five innate ways, and the Five Tai Chi merged into one and transformed into Wuji!
Wuji continues to rely on evidence. Among the eight innate avenues of Taiyi, reincarnation, cause and effect, disaster, killing, annihilation, and chaos, there are also hundreds of thousands of Tao master-level avenues of heaven and earth!
And his Void Avenue is also at this moment, mastering hundreds of thousands of attributes of the Heaven and Earth Avenue!
Finally, the avenue of void surged toward the alien path in his body, filling hundreds of thousands of avenues of heaven and earth into the alien path!
/Xu Ying’s body trembled slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes, and a vast energy filled the world, and arose spontaneously.
At this moment, he suddenly fulfilled the acquired path and took the most critical step in his life.
If you take this step, you will be the master of the great road of the day after tomorrow!
He gained insight into the various avenues within his body, and then his eyes slowly swept across the faces of the imperial clan present, and then looked at the huge imperial coffins.
“The Hunyuan emperors are nothing more than that.” His voice rang in the Jinluan Palace.
This sound was nothing more than that, but it focused everyone’s attention on him.
Xu Ying had a sudden thought. He came to Huangji Imperial Capital this time to avoid being hunted by Emperor Chen. Based on the principle of doing more things rather than doing less things, he quietly waited for them to fight, and then he could sneak away. How could he? Not good?
Now, if I say such words, can I still stay and be their Hunyuan Immortal Emperor?
“How about being more open-minded?” He thought to himself.
“Does this

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