rship and disappeared into the night sky.

rship and disappeared into the night sky.

“It’s time for us to leave.” Wang Xuan said to Qin Cheng.
Zhou Kun said: “Aren’t you waiting for Ling Wei? I guess she was probably stopped by her uncle and others before, and she should be here soon.”
Wang Xuan shook his head helplessly and said: “I have said it several times, she and I really have nothing to do now. We have been separated for more than a year, and you have also seen the attitude of her family. She is still gone. Let’s all be well in the future. ”
The light and shadow on the top of the mountain are mottled, the nearby maple trees are bright red, the trees in the distance cast large shadows, and night birds occasionally startle and cry in the night.
/Many people got drunk that night and spoke their minds. Some people were impassioned and passionate, saying that this was a great era and they should seize the opportunity to become extraordinary and even have ambitions for the gods.
“Light the divine fire and step onto the high altar” Even a usually quiet girl is no longer so reserved.
Another boy even said loudly: “What are immortals? I think they are extraordinary ones. The myths of the past may not be false, and Bodhisattvas, Sanqings, immortals, Buddhas, and monsters may not be impossible to appear. Of course, I mean that such level can still appear.” The number of people does not mean that the Bodhisattvas, demons, immortals and other extraordinary beings of the old era are still alive. After all, time is ruthless and all that should be erased is erased. Sanqing, immortals and Buddhas are still human beings, and they cannot live until now. Back then, they They were just people of flesh and blood when they were alive. Although they were very strong, according to the records of the pagodas, Taoist temples, relics, etc., as well as the various unique documents unearthed, they were far from being as powerful as we imagined. There is no need to be overly deified. . Several life research institutes have joined forces to analyze their remains. Even the strongest individuals among those extraordinary creatures cannot stop modern technological weapons. Even a nuclear bomb can still wipe them out.”
/The person who said this was a male classmate from Xinxing. He was obviously drunk and told some shocking information. It was secret information that the old classmates had not heard before.
Xinxing’s chaebol had dug up some remarkable things in the old soil, and even found Buddha bones? !
The classmate added: “There is nothing strange, and there is no need to marvel. For example, in some religions, there are occasional underground palaces under pagodas, which contain stone letters, iron letters, jade letters, gold letters, etc., which contain Buddha bones and relics. They are everywhere in the old land. There were discoveries, and there were also unexpected gains in the Taoist ancestral court, which I later explored many times. Those relics and the underground stone carving records told many past events. Coupled with the analysis of those relics by several of the

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