startled and said: “The conjecture is completely contrary. Could it be that it is because of Olesha’s death and various news reports that have disturbed people’s hearts and made the world aggravated that this natural medicine has disappeared? “

startled and said: “The conjecture is completely contrary. Could it be that it is because of Olesha’s death and various news reports that have disturbed people’s hearts and made the world aggravated that this natural medicine has disappeared? “

Old Chen said lightly: “The heavenly medicine is extremely mysterious. Even the alchemists and Taoists of the pre-Qin period have not understood its essence. No one has ever been able to truly analyze it and cannot find the special factors that prompted its emergence.”
Finally, he frowned and said, “The Taoist secrets vaguely mentioned that a long time ago, not only the Taoists were eager for the Thunder Fruit, but also the peerless monsters were fighting for it. At that time, the Taoists suffered a loss.”
Wang Xuan was surprised and said: “The predecessor of Taoism is Taoism, which existed in the pre-Qin period. If it was that era, why do I feel that it is a bit convenient!”
Not only him, but also Lao Chen and Aoki immediately thought of the peerless red-clothed female fairy they saw in the interior. From the ancient Jiangnan dialect she spoke, it can be inferred that she was from two or three thousand years ago, and she spoke Wu Nong’s soft language, which was soft, waxy and tactful.
The three of them were immediately shocked. The appearance of this natural medicine was not accidental? Maybe it has something to do with the peerless red-clothed female demon fairy!
/Wang Xuan frowned and said: “It’s impossible, right? She can’t pass through the curtain in the interior scene, let alone intervene in the real world so strongly?”
In any case, they were on guard.
Wang Xuan looked at the bones on his body, but the female sword fairy showed no reaction.
The three people drove the spaceship around here and used the mechanical arm to capture the golden plum several times, but they all failed.
“Forget it, back off, we can’t get this thing, it’s not mature yet.” Old Chen sighed.
The lightning in this area was a bit dense, and Aoki didn’t want to take too many risks, so he steered the spacecraft backwards, a little further away.
“Huh?!” Wang Xuan was surprised.
Then Lao Chen raised his head suddenly and felt something strange.
Wang Xuan really saw a change because the Tianyao plant that was as tall as a person was flowing with golden clouds, and a piece of golden soil appeared in the root area, with a radius of one foot.
Is it further manifesting and becoming more real? !
Lao Chen was surprised because the wound on his forehead was itchy and his metabolism seemed to have accelerated.
/In an instant, Wang Xuan also noticed that his ten fingers were slightly itchy. Are they about to grow new nails quickly?
“The heavenly medicine has solidified a lot!” Wang Xuan whispered.
Lao Chen sighed with emotion: “Is it really like what the records say? You can’t find it all over the world, but you can see it in the distance when you look back.”
Qingmu was surprised, couldn’t the natural medicine directly target people’s hearts? Only if you are willing to let go can you gain somethin

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