Not only Liu Guang, Nian Mo and their team, but also in all directions, there seemed to be a chain reaction, and the fairy mountains and palaces continued to melt away.

Not only Liu Guang, Nian Mo and their team, but also in all directions, there seemed to be a chain reaction, and the fairy mountains and palaces continued to melt away.

It didn’t take long, and half of the thousands of majestic mountains were wiped out. This was also due to Wang Xuan and the others. They had already obtained four imperial chess pieces.
In this great religion, at least eight or more teams have discovered special chess pieces, and now the chess pieces are starting to make a slight sound.
/In a blur, the person holding the chess piece could sense the echo of a scripture.
“Destined to fight, snatch the chess pieces from other people’s hands, and get the complete sutra!” Yanque’s face changed.
In fact, before they could attack, a nearby team that was not far from them had already taken the initiative to kill them. Without any words, they directly killed them.
“It’s really possible that there is a secret chapter about Yu Daohua here. This is forcing us to join the war. Let’s attack!” Hong Teng geared up and became the most belligerent.
At this point, even Wang Xuan has stood at the front. It is not the time to keep a low profile, but when it is time to compete, he will naturally attack.
The two sides rushed together and fought directly. Neither of them knew which star field the other came from, but there was no doubt that they were both powerful wizards who could break the boundaries.
In a short period of time, both sides saw blood, many people were injured, and there were quite powerful people in their respective teams.
Chi! Chi! Chi!
Wang Xuan continued to draw his bow and helped Yanque shoot and wound an opponent. Then Yanque was extremely powerful and killed that very strong enemy.
After he freed up his hands, he went directly to assist others.
In the process, Wang Xuan found the most powerful person hidden in the opponent’s team, and he pushed him over in a wave.
Since the other person is pretending, let’s just help him and let him pretend until he dies!
Wang Xuan showed no mercy. Amidst the lightning and thunder, he used the Zhan Dao Sword. He controlled thirty-six sword wheels and crushed them directly and domineeringly.
In fact, that person felt threatened and naturally exploded, but he couldn’t stop Wang Xuan. It’s a pity that this powerful person who broke the limit three times did not rest in peace and was killed by the sword wheel!
Fierce fighting was going on in other areas, with fairy blood everywhere, flowing red light, and the entire mountains and rivers stained with “red makeup”, which was particularly enchanting.
The ground was covered with blood, and there was not a single weak person. They were all limit-breaking geniuses who came in following the co-master, and some were even the descendants and disciples of the co-master.
It can be said that the limit-breakers who appear here are all famous geniuses from various star fields, and their abilities are astonishing.
Otherwise, Hong Teng, Cai Wei and the others would not all be stained with blood and injured.

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