world!” Zhou Yaosheng shouted, as if he had returned to the mythical era, and while he was on the new star, he himself became excited first, which was quite contagious.

world!” Zhou Yaosheng shouted, as if he had returned to the mythical era, and while he was on the new star, he himself became excited first, which was quite contagious.

At this time, the Royal Dao Spear pierced the barrier opened by Xiaoyao Zhou, one shot per person, the blood energy and fairy light mixed together, and exploded rapidly, and he stepped onto the boat.
The feet of the two ancestors came into contact with Xiaoyao Zhou, and mysterious lines spread from the legs upwards. They used the supreme immortal power of the most precious treasure to protect themselves, and used secret techniques to attack Wang Xuan.
No matter what, they cannot lose this treasure ship. This is their confidence to dominate this era. Only the treasure can allow them to keep the Earthly Immortal Dao Fruit and survive the extraordinary cold winter night.
And now that the treasure is lost, there is only one end, and it will inevitably be killed by the young man in front of him!
Zhen Supernatural was the first to bear the brunt, so he had no reservations. His whole body was covered with earthly immortal textures, and he was the embodiment of rules from head to toe. He used his trump card to destroy all directions.
Naturally, he had to fight with all his strength. He used the power of the treasure with both feet, and his own killing moves came out with all their strength. From the dimension of space to time, he was killing everyone everywhere. They were words one after another, turned into tangible characters, towards Wang Xuanluo left.
It slowed down, paid tribute to the supermatter, preserved itself, and did not go shopping. In the past, it had been dissatisfied, fought fiercely, and was almost pierced. Now it doesn’t want to experience the terrible feeling of being on the verge of disintegration again.
As a treasure, it has experienced one mythical era after another, and survived one extraordinary cold winter after another. The people who own it have changed batch after batch, but they are all just passers-by. It will not change because of someone who has briefly crossed paths with it in life. Kill yourself personally.
On the treasure ship, there are silver characters all over the sky. They are the manifestation of destruction in all directions and the embodiment of the most powerful magic. It cuts through time and space and is everywhere. The sound of grand chanting resounds throughout the void.
Normally, this does have unparalleled lethality. It is one of the trump cards of an extremely powerful man who has lived for nearly four thousand years. It is difficult for opponents to avoid it without paying a price.
But now it’s different from usual times. Wang Xuan holds a gun and bursts out with extremely powerful light. With one shot, he pierced through the great magical power that covered the entire scene like Destruction in All Directions!
Those characters scattered in every inch of space are like gorgeous crystals and dazzling divine gold. They are extremely dazzling and terrifying, but they are quickly “smelted”. Un

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