e injury to his left shoulder would have allowed him to recuperate for half a year.

e injury to his left shoulder would have allowed him to recuperate for half a year.

“No matter what, the recovery power of the Zhou family’s secret treasure of Niwan is even more amazing! No, it’s heaven-defying!”
Xu Ying thought of Zhou Yihang’s terrifying body, and couldn’t help but feel envious. He opened the secret treasure of Niwan. It was simply a mythical resilience, immortal!
Even if you can’t refine Yihang’s physical body, it’s still a big deal like Ding Quan’s!
Xu Ying sighed quietly, but it was a pity that he still didn’t know how to find the location of the dragon and find the location of his secret treasure of Niwan. And even if the Niwan secret cache is found, it will be useless without Da Nuo’s help in opening the secret cache.
More importantly,
“Am I a human or a monster?”
Xu Ying looked at the gradually brightening sky and whispered to himself, “I must be a human, I must be! My family lives in Xujiaping, I have a father and a mother, and both my parents are human. My father’s name is Xu Shaoping, and my mother’s name is Miao Yuemei is from Miaotianpu. I still remember the road to Xujiaping and Miaotianpu.”
Behind him, the snake demon Gan Qi suddenly stopped playing and looked at his back in confusion.
The bear demon Xiong Qianli said: “Seventh brother, what’s wrong?”
Snake demon An Qi whispered: “It’s a bit weird. I clearly heard A Ying say that his father’s name is Xu An, and his mother’s name is Tian Ruijun, and they live in Tianjiaping. Why is it now that his father’s name is Xu Shaoping? He My mother’s name is Miao Yuemei? Moreover, the place where she lives has also changed.”
Xiong Qianli smiled and said: “He must have fainted just now and damaged his brain! If his brain is not good, then can we two brothers be a pair of treacherous ministers who wield power?”
The two demons looked at each other and cheered heartlessly.
Finally, the rain stopped, the sky cleared up, and gradually became brighter. Xu Ying suddenly became alert and raised his head to look into the distance. It had rained earlier and the sky was dark, so he couldn’t see very far. He never noticed that Naihe was not far ahead.
This long river in the underworld is surging, running from the direction of Shishan Mountain, passing between Xiaoshan Mountain and Wuwang Mountain!
/Naihe’s appearance showed that it was still night.
However, after the Nai River changed its course, did it not go back to its old path?
Xu Ying was confused and looked into the distance.
I saw Naihe invading, and will-o’-the-wisps floating everywhere in the mountains and forests. There is a cemetery further away, which is also affected. The cemetery is brightly lit, and some skeletons are crawling out of the graves, decorating with lanterns, and giving a big feast. It is very festive.
There are also some skeletons wearing silk and satin, but their clothes are not fastened, and they dance on the graves with their arms open to entertain them.
Suddenly, a rumbling sound came, the earth shook, and Xu Ying and their cave also shook.
The snake dem

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