clean, his hair, beard, and eyebrows were all neatly groomed, and there was not even a trace of dirt on his shoes.

clean, his hair, beard, and eyebrows were all neatly groomed, and there was not even a trace of dirt on his shoes.

He is Yuan Wuji of the Yuan family.
/Xu Fu was confused and said: “You are a Nuo Immortal, why don’t you have any elixir in your body?”
“Guess!” Yuan Wuji smiled slightly, attacked him, and said in a long voice, “You guys break the altar first!”
Xu Ying and others had already rushed to the mercury river. The farther away they were from the altar, the less affected they would be. However, the influence of this great sacrifice was getting stronger and stronger. Xu Ying estimated that he might not be able to rush to the entrance of Lishan Tomb, so he The four secrets in the body will be destroyed!
Xu Ying looked back and saw that the sky above the golden coffin of the First Emperor Zulong turned red, and a torrent poured into the coffin!
At this moment, the altar suddenly shattered, and the terrifying feeling caused by the blood sacrifice finally disappeared.
Xu Ying was surprised and confused: “What’s going on? Has Xu Fu met his opponent? No, no, no, no, he has the body and strength of an immortal, and he has also cultivated immortal fire. How can he have an opponent?”
Suddenly, there was a thumping sound from the Ancestral Dragon’s golden coffin, like a big drum hammering in the heart, shaking people’s hearts as if they were about to explode.
Xu Ying groaned, and rushed out with An Qi, only to hear a thick and somewhat familiar voice: “I, step on China, control the country, conquer the six countries, dominate the world, and sleep here. Who is it? , woke me up?”
“This First Emperor is so domineering!”
Hearing this, Da Zhong couldn’t help but want to fly out of Xu Ying’s sea of ??chaos. However, because Xu Ying picked him up and smashed all kinds of magic weapons, his injuries were more serious than before and he couldn’t fly. However, he still praised, “This man is really a hero.” , let’s meet.”
Now that the sacrifices have stopped, Xu Ying and Jian Qi’s secret treasures will no longer be harmed. Xu Ying also wants to go back and see what the First Emperor Zulong looks like.
The sound he heard just now gave him a familiar feeling, as if he had heard it somewhere and more than once.
But reason told him that now is a good time to leave Xu Fu!
If you don’t leave now, it will be difficult to leave!
Xu Ying and Da She rushed towards the entrance of the Lishan Tomb, and heard Xu Fu’s voice from behind: “Your Majesty, I and the Immortal Immortal have returned from overseas in search of the elixir. I just used the elixir to wake up Your Majesty.”
“Is this the magic medicine? I feel it.”
When Xu Ying heard this voice, he jumped to Xian Qi’s neck, turned around and activated his heavenly eyes, and looked at each other from a distance.
Xian Qi was already struggling because he had too many magic weapon fragments in his stomach. Now that he was added to it, it became even more difficult. Fortunately, he had also opened the secrets such as Niwan, Huangting, Yuchi, and Jianggong. The strength

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