ater: “Ancestor Chanchan, is your sense reliable? We have been looking for it for several months, but we still haven’t found it!”

ater: “Ancestor Chanchan, is your sense reliable? We have been looking for it for several months, but we still haven’t found it!”

The big snake saw a house on the shore and said, “I’ll go to the shore and ask.”
Da Zhong said: “Master Qi, please be gentle and don’t scare people.”
“I understand.”
The big snake swam around and came to the shore. As soon as it opened its mouth, it flew away with sand and rocks. It said politely: “Stop running away and screaming. I am really not a man-eating monster! How dare you splash my black dog’s blood!”
“Dang!” The bell rang loudly, waking up the people who were going crazy with fear.
An Qi coughed and asked, “Have you ever seen a young man named Xu Ying? He is tall and thin, and his skin is a bit dark.”
The villagers of Matoupo Village finally calmed down. They all stood there obediently, not daring to move. Even the god Hebo who had married dozens of wives was trembling and did not dare to take a breath.
/After asking, An Qi was overjoyed and said with a smile, “A Ying is indeed here!”
Both Da Zhong and Zhu Chanchan were a little worried. Da Zhong said: “These people actually said that A Ying has lived here for seven years. It can be seen that those people in Beichenzi have tampered with their memories. Their memories have been tampered with, and A Ying’s memory has been tampered with.” It should also have been tampered with.”
An Qi said: “Just change it back!”
/Zhu Chanchan shook his head and said: “It’s difficult. Even if it is changed back, it will still be a false memory unless the seal is unlocked. But Xu Ying’s seal”
She frowned slightly.
Over the past few days, she followed the big bells and ran around, and gradually gained a general understanding of Xu Ying’s life experience. She guessed that Xu Ying’s memory must have been sealed by someone, but the sealing time was extremely long, and the number of seals was too many. Imagine.
Every time after sealing, it was a new life for Xu Ying, a new life.
To unlock these seals, one must first capture Beichenzi and the others. The difficulty is so high that I can’t even imagine it!
Moreover, even if the three of Beichenzi are captured, what will happen? Beichenzi and the other three are just watchdogs, and there are more terrifying beings behind them.
Who are these beings?
Zhuchanchan couldn’t even think about it!
“Chanchan, you stay here and wait to see if Ah Ying comes back. Master Zhong and I will look around.” Xian Qi suggested.
Zhuchanchan said yes, and Dazhong and Xianqi left separately.
Xu Ying and Xu Jin looked around and saw that there was actually another world in the mountains, with streets and streets, houses and people coming and going, but the clothes were quite ancient.
The father and son were amazed. The residents in the mountain were also shocked when they saw them. They came up to ask them where they came from, and Xu Ying told them about his pursuit of the big fish.
Xu Jin was very excited and said: “Is this the Peach Blossom Spring? I heard from my ancestors that there was a fisherman who s

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