burden is unimaginable to ordinary people. Every time I think about it, I feel sad.

burden is unimaginable to ordinary people. Every time I think about it, I feel sad.

Later, he regained his invincible magic power and re-deduced the magical power and secret method based on himself. Finally, he no longer had to endure the grievances. Instead of being squeezed by Sanxiao, he was squeezed by him.
Although the process and results are the same, the starting points are different and cannot be confused.
The six pure bamboos are definitely the most powerful magic weapon that Lu Bei has mastered alone. They are more powerful than flying props and money. They contain the laws of heaven and earth, unfolding them one by one, like the characters of the heavenly book.
Lu Bei sighed in admiration, and suddenly frowned: “Who is outside the hospital? The dog peeked at the figure of Gu Yingwu, and he didn’t show up quickly.”
As soon as the words fell, the fragrant wind came, a fragrance that was delicate and elegant, and a fragrance that was dignified and generous.
/Lu Bei was shocked when he smelled the fragrance and saw the beauty. This was the southern capital, the ancestral home of the rebel E Chongyu and his son. He only captured the main rebels and spared their family members. He did not kill them all and let them go. Girl’s family.
/Could this scene be a replica of the Prime Minister’s love story in Wancheng?
Take a look first and then talk!
Soon, Lu Bei knew that he was wrong. The female relatives were indeed female relatives, but they had nothing to do with Nandu. The two fairies who protected the body with divine light came from heaven and came down to earth with a mission.
Princess Long Ji on the left and Jiutian Xuannv on the right are both rare in the world and hard to find in the sky.
Lin Jushui.
you two
After all, we became two people.
Looking at the two fairies who came uninvited, Lu Bei was speechless for a moment. The pictures were so similar that he was immersed in the scene, as if he had returned to the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons.
That year, Lin Jushui also came with a mission.
The world has changed, but this face is still playing the same role. Be careful that the stereotype is narrow.
Lu Bei regarded himself as an innocent and ignorant king, focusing on a lustful and clear image. He confirmed that the two women had important responsibilities, and directly patted his two long legs.
Don’t just stand there stupidly. Sit with your whip on your back. If you have something to do, sit down and talk slowly.
Princess Longji was thin-skinned and felt quite sad and angry when she heard this. Thinking about the task assigned by her mother, she reluctantly sat on Hunjun’s lap.
Jiutian Xuannv was much more generous. Back then, she told the Yellow Emperor about the art of Fangzhong without changing her expression. Now she was replaced by the Hunjun Renwang. She said that she could understand. She calmly sat down and called the Hunjun the Ming Master of this life.
Too calm and boring, Lu Bei prefers Long Ji’s tone. He is obviously ready to shed blood, bu

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