the indefinite river is endless

the indefinite river is endless

There is also a green rock that exudes a cry and fundamentally affects the laws of heaven and earth!
These thirteen scenes and various visions are all transformed by the Great Dao!
Even a being like Demon Ancestor was suppressed to the point where his aura weakened slightly, and he couldn’t help but praise: “Xu Daozu is extraordinary!”
Now he absorbed the lesson and took the initiative to seize the opportunity. From the beginning, he used Yiqihua Sanqing and Cuiyan magical powers to fight against the Demon Ancestor with his strongest moves!
/He wanted to prove to Demon Ancestor whether his decision was effective and whether he could deal with beings like the Immortal Emperor!
Suddenly, countless branches of the ancient fusang tree behind Demon Ancestor flew up, and the roots danced, swish, and swish, taking root in his dojo, and the roots were connected to his avenue.
Dao Weeping was immediately unable to affect the true form of Demon Ancestor.
Four Xu Ying urged Cui Yan’s magical power to kill. Behind the four people, Cui Yan floated. One of the four people’s cultivation is the master, and the other three are all transformed by the Qi of Taiyi. Each of them possesses the seven powers of Xu Ying’s body. The strength of the left and right!
The four of them join forces and their strength increases dramatically!
As soon as he finished speaking, countless branches in the hibiscus tree flew and intertwined. Each branch was composed of Tao, turning into a tall three-legged golden crow with a bird’s head and human body and three-legged golden wings. It fell to the ground and greeted it. A promise!
His achievements were the same as Xu Ying’s today, and he was the Taoist ancestor of the demon clan!
When the four demon emperors appeared, they had already met four Xu Ying, making his Yiqi Transformation and Three Purities useless.
When the ten demon emperors manifested, Xu Ying fell into a passive position. Every one of him transformed by Yiqi was attacked by two demon emperors. And his body was besieged by four demon emperors and kept retreating!
Every time the demon ancestor manifests a demon emperor, he makes one move, and if there are ten demon emperors, he makes ten moves.
The voice of the Demon Ancestor came, and he said leisurely: “I, the ten emperors of the Demon Clan, have great merits, but are cruel in temperament. The 6.8 million years of the Demon Clan’s rule are also the 6.8 million years of resistance by all races. The Demon Emperors of all dynasties , either died under the joint siege of various tribes, or died in the strife of other giants of the demon clan. Therefore, starting from Demon Emperor Jun, the demon emperors of all generations have to mark their great roads on the fusang tree.”
/The white qi jumped erratically, but could not escape the control of the second emperor.
Immediately, Xu Ying in green clothes was also beaten back to his original form, turned into a ball of green energy, and was captured by Emperor Chiyin and Emperor Yanlong.
Xu Ying

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