Golden Ship will stop and move forward at a constant speed. The tip of the key sank, and the bow of the golden ship sank slightly, then slowed down. Turn the key to the left and the golden ship will turn to the left. Turn the key to the right and the golden ship will turn to the right.

Golden Ship will stop and move forward at a constant speed. The tip of the key sank, and the bow of the golden ship sank slightly, then slowed down. Turn the key to the left and the golden ship will turn to the left. Turn the key to the right and the golden ship will turn to the right.

Because Xu Ying does not have any magic power, the only one who can control the golden ship is Yuan Weiyang.
They returned to Yuanshou from Taixu Realm this time, mainly to send Xiaobo back to Yuanshou Divine Capital, because there were cries everywhere on the Golden Ship, and the human world was also full of cries, so it was difficult for Xiaobo to survive.
At this time, Xu Ying was practicing his martial arts skills over and over again on the boat, invigorating his energy and blood. He had developed a habit of practicing several times whenever he had time.
/The white-bone divine dragon lifted his head with one claw and placed it on his neck. He watched Xu Ying’s postures and movements and imitated them in a decent manner.
He stood frozen on the spot, a great joy welling up in his heart, and he wanted to shout and vent the bitterness of these days.
However, he stood there quietly, with only two lines of tears falling from his eyes.
This ray of vitality is not the Qi of Taiyi, nor the Qi of Hongmeng, nor the vitality of heaven and earth. It is also different from the innate Qi of Ruyi Daluotian.
It is just a martial arts true energy, but it is not inferior to the innate Qi, the vitality of heaven and earth, nor is it inferior to the Qi of Hongmeng and Taiyi!
This energy is extremely tough, with a primitive power and full of wildness!
This ray of true energy even began to intrude on the wounds in his wounds, constantly consuming the alien power in the wounds!
This ray of true energy is so weak, yet so powerful. The alien powers in Xu Yingdao’s wounds are all left by supreme-level beings. This weak ray of true energy can actually compete with them. It is really unusual!
It took Xu Ying five years to develop this ray of true energy from scratch, and he finally saw the light of day!
“The Five Sacred Mountains begin to produce true energy, and my cultivation speed will become faster and faster. When I have mastered the martial arts golden elixir, the martial arts soul, and the martial arts cave abyss, I can work hard to regain those lost realms. Back to the peak! No, stronger than at the peak!”
Just when he thought of this, Xiaobo’s voice suddenly came from the stern of the ship: “Yingzhou! Yingzhou Dongyuan!”
Xu Ying’s heart moved slightly, and he jumped as fast as he could, quickly arriving at the stern of the ship. I saw many chains hanging on the stern of the golden ship. These chains were connected to smaller fairy ships. Xiaobo was standing on one of the fairy ships, pointing down and shouting to Xu Ying: “I saw Yingzhou Dongyuan!”
Xu Ying looked down and saw the extremely familiar Yingzhou Dongyuan!
/“This place is the hilltop where I was buried! Weiyang, stop the boat, stop the boat quickly!” Xu Ying said loudly.

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