nhai Ferry, Xu Ying looked at Liu Guanyi, the Ten-Dead Heavenly Lord who was sitting motionless in front of him, and said with a smile: “Shiquan Dao Ancestor, Xu is not a greedy person. I really don’t know the secret of rebirth.”

nhai Ferry, Xu Ying looked at Liu Guanyi, the Ten-Dead Heavenly Lord who was sitting motionless in front of him, and said with a smile: “Shiquan Dao Ancestor, Xu is not a greedy person. I really don’t know the secret of rebirth.”

Liu Guan looked solemn and said: “Xu Daozu, you came back from the dead. This kind of method has conquered the heaven and earth. It is natural for you to hide your secrets. But I don’t come empty-handed.”
He sacrificed the fragment of the distant ancestor soul that he had taken from Taoist Lord Jiugong. This fragment had been refined into a giant aura dragon by Taoist Lord Jiugong. Once he sacrificed it, its power would shake the heavens and the earth!
Liu Guanyi spoke earnestly and looked sincere, saying: “Xu Daozu, you and I are both perfect Taoist ancestors. In this world, other people are mediocre and have more or less flaws, but you and I are perfect and challenging. There is nothing wrong with me. There is no one in the world who can compare with you and me. We are both Shiquan Taoist ancestors, and since we are members of the same sect, you will lend a helping hand.”
Xu Ying looked at him carefully and saw that he was not ashamed at all when he said such boastful words. He obviously felt that the two of them were perfect from the bottom of his heart.
Therefore, Xu Ying was very impressed and said with a smile: “What you said makes some sense, but I don’t know how I came back from the grave.”
/Liu Guanyi said seriously: “Then, let me add a little thought! During the battle of Tianyuan, Qingxuan and I will be there in person to help you!”
Xu Ying’s heart moved slightly. He was defeated last time because there were not many strong men on his side, and the Supreme Creation and others intervened.
At that time, the useless Qingxuan came here once, but he left as soon as he came, and the ten-wasted Heavenly Lord Liu Guanyi never showed up.
If Liu Guanyi and the good-for-nothing Qingxuan help out this time, he will have another level of protection.
His situation is special, and it remains to be seen whether the useless Qingxuan can be resurrected and reborn.
As long as the waste Qingxuan takes over his body, can he be resurrected?
The two are different.
More importantly, at that time, the promised soul, body, cultivation, realm, Taoist scenery, etc. had all been harvested completely, but there was still a little bit of the immortal true spirit, because all sentient beings could not let go of it. Even the power of reincarnation cannot pull him away.
But Qingxuan was completely dead, and even this bit of immortal true spirit was gone.
“But what protects my last bit of vitality and prevents my true spirit from falling into reincarnation is the merit of my New Dao Ancestor. The Qi Refiner who received my favor never forgets to prevent my true spirit from falling into reincarnation.”
/Xu Ying pondered for a long time, remembering how Emperor Chonghua used the power of incense to awaken all the incense in him. His heart moved slightly and he asked: “Qingxuan has a tombstone, is there

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