proved. He was practicing in the Hidden Scenery Ground that day, when he suddenly saw an old figure appearing in his Hidden Scenery Ground.

proved. He was practicing in the Hidden Scenery Ground that day, when he suddenly saw an old figure appearing in his Hidden Scenery Ground.

It was an old man with a sad face, holding a blue paper umbrella in his hand, walking towards this side.
Zhong Chengxiao’s expression suddenly changed and he lost his voice: “Who are you?”
The old man with a sad face sighed, but his sad face turned into a smile: “Good disciple, I taught you the Nuo method of your Zhong family, and you still ask me who I am?”
/Zhong Chengxiao was in confusion: “No! I have a long lifespan, you shouldn’t show up at this time!”
The sad-looking old man walked towards him and said with a smile: “I originally didn’t want to take the big medicine so early, but unfortunately I have been injured many times in a row recently, and I am not in a good mood. I have to harvest it early and take it.”
Zhong Chengxiao was frightened, so he attacked the sad-faced old man and tried to fly away.
The sad-looking old man couldn’t help but laugh: “This is your hiding place, and it is also your Xiyi territory. Where did you go?”
He casually broke Zhong Chengxiao’s Nuo magic power, captured Zhong Chengxiao with one move, and sealed the Nuo immortal’s limbs and body acupoints.
“I’ve been doing things that haven’t gone wrong for thousands of years, but for some reason, they keep going wrong recently.”
The sad-looking old man carefully took the medicine and said to Zhong Chengxiao, who was still alive, “My life is not easy and I am under a lot of pressure. Only taking the fairy medicine can make me feel better.”
Zhong Chengxiao felt that his body was being opened, but he couldn’t feel any pain, and he was terrified.
The sad-looking old man stared at the elixir, his Adam’s apple rolled, and said with a smile: “I’m different from other people. Some of them like to eat it raw, but I like it cooked.”
He was about to light a fire when suddenly Zhong Chengxiao’s hidden scene submerged into the ground, countless roots flew in, and then a purple weed appeared out of nowhere.
The purple grass poked its head out, furtively, looked around, and then shrank back.
The sad-looking old man was surprised. When he was wondering, he heard a voice laughing: “Old slave Fu Yi, aren’t you going to find out the truth about my mother’s death? Why are you eating people here?”
The corners of the sad-looking old man’s eyes twitched violently, and he saw a wooden door appear out of thin air. Xu Ying, wearing black clothes and red belt, pushed the door open and walked into this hidden place.
Xu Ying, with a graceful figure and warm eyes, fell on the sad old man and said with a smile: “What? Don’t you remember me, the fourth son of King Xiang?”
Behind him, the big bell flew out, and the seven worms came.
The sad-faced old man looked at Xu Ying, not caring about eating the Nuo Immortal Zhong Chengxiao, and said in a voiceless voice: “What are you doing?”
/“How do you know you can eat people?”
Xu Ying remembers that scene clearly. At that time, he escaped from the hidden place of Chen Mian

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