hu Juntang decided to think deeply about it later, analyze it, and come up with a set of theories, which might then be used to provoke Liu Changan and make him angry.

hu Juntang decided to think deeply about it later, analyze it, and come up with a set of theories, which might then be used to provoke Liu Changan and make him angry.

“I didn’t.” Bai Hui denied with a blushing face. Jiao Didi didn’t look very determined, because this was originally Zhu Juntang’s sexy idea for her before.
Zhu Juntang did understand Liu Changan, or maybe it was his own psychology. Bai Hui always felt that after the cranberry incident, Liu Changan looked at her with more lust in his eyes.
As long as it is the person you like, even if the look at her is more terrifying than a pervert, even if he wants to eat her with eagerness and greed, it will not disgust the girl. She will only feel like a cute kitten unable to resist. The owner of the ground engages in various fanatical “cat-sucking” behaviors.
“Your skin is too white. I suggest you use rose red lipstick to make it more conspicuous through your pajamas. It will drive him crazy and use all his strength.” Zhu Juntang imagined Liu Changan’s big chicken claws grabbing Seeing Bai Hui’s crazy look, he grabbed a lipstick and came over to prepare to implement his plan.
/Bai Hui quickly refused. Zhu Juntang is very smart and does not have the moral bottom line of ordinary people. She is under the psychological pressure of public order and good customs. She will do whatever comes to her mind. Bai Hui cannot cooperate with her in everything.
The most important thing is that Bai Hui showed it to Liu Changan. If under certain circumstances, he saw her again with lipstick on, would he think she was a pervert?
Seeing Bai Hui’s firm refusal, Zhu Juntang did the next best thing and applied lipstick on the surface of Bai Hui’s pajamas, pretending that he accidentally soiled the pajamas, but in fact he could still attract Liu Changan’s attention.
This was counterintuitive. While Bai Hui pushed Zhu Juntang gently, she accidentally got the lipstick in Zhu Juntang’s hand.
“By the way, I suspect that I have awakened a strange habit.” Zhu Juntang looked at the red color of lipstick on his pajamas with satisfaction. In this way, he attracted Liu Changan’s attention and then affected his behavior, which is basically the same as He controlled Liu Changan.
“What’s your hobby?” Bai Hui pulled the hem of her skirt and twisted around to see if the red color on her pajamas was natural. Will Liu Changan realize that it was intentional? She could bury the hatchet as soon as they met. It was Zhu Juntang who soiled her. Pajamas, and I didn’t know he hadn’t left yet.
“I found that as long as I am around Liu Changan, I have a special feeling, extremely happy and at ease. It seems that no one can cure me and I can do whatever I want.” Zhu Juntang felt the shock today and felt the need to face up to and analyze his feelings. Liu Changan’s psychology changed.
Bai Hui looked at Zhu Juntang in surprise. Could it be that facing Liu Changan, even a fairy like Zhu Juntang would eventually be unable to extricate herself?
After that, Bai Hui felt that An Nuan was already very embarrass

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