gan’s facial cream, Liu Yuewang felt that not only was he eighteen years old on the inside, but his appearance and skin were also eighteen years old. It was just the age calculated from the day and month of birth on his ID card. He was still deceiving everyone.

gan’s facial cream, Liu Yuewang felt that not only was he eighteen years old on the inside, but his appearance and skin were also eighteen years old. It was just the age calculated from the day and month of birth on his ID card. He was still deceiving everyone.

“These nutrients have extraordinary origins and can make people who have used them gather and form bleating thoughts. Since you and An Nuan are a family, the natural impact is more obvious. It may even appear that Liu Changan and An Nuan are doing something, but you can feel it. situation.” Zhu Juntang looked up at the sky, concealing his inner excitement and excitement, and sighed calmly, “This is too bad.”
Liu Yuewang held on to the street lamp next to her, feeling blood rushing to her cheeks and her body shaky. The feeling of shame made her bite her lips tightly, not daring to look at Zhu Juntang.
“Actually, this is not without a solution.”
“Really?” Liu Yuewang raised his head in disbelief. This matter was mainly about shame, but also a little trouble. For example, after Liu Changan and An Nuan got married, he couldn’t live with them.
It’s not a big deal, just like an itch, it’s bearable without being scratched, but it’s so comforting when it’s scratched.
“As long as you find Liu Changan and propose to join the Nine Provinces Fenglei Sword Sect, we will be a team, and I will naturally help you solve the problem.” Zhu Juntang saw the situation.
“What the hell?”
“Jiuzhou Fenglei Sword Sect. Liu Changan is the sect leader. I am, I am, um, I will inherit the Jiuzhou Fenglei Sword Sect in the future. In short, you do as I say, and I will help you.” Zhu Juntang revealed that he only does transactions. Come on with an unkind look.
“Okay.” Liu Yuewang has no choice. This problem has been bothering her for a long time. If it can be solved, she can agree to it as long as the conditions are not too excessive.
“After you join the Nine Provinces Fenglei Sword Sect, you must ask Liu Chang’an that you want to be an elder. This is a high-power position, on an equal footing with Qin Yanan.” Zhu Juntang lowered his voice and looked in the direction of Lushan Mountain.
Probably because Qin Yanan lived on such a high mountain and had Liu Qianqian in his belly, his powerful power created a considerable sense of intimidation to Zhu Juntang.
Liu Yuewang nodded repeatedly. Although he didn’t quite understand, since Teacher Qin was involved, he wanted to understand a little bit.
“As for after you become an elder, you will be mine. If there is a factional struggle or a dispute between the sect leaders in the future, who should you support?”
“You!” Liu Yuewang said politely.
Who else would be the leader of the Jiuzhou Fenglei Sword Sect?
/Zhu Juntang put his hands on his hips and laughed loudly. He was really a cunning and cunning bad guy who did all kinds of evil and used all kinds of tricks.
After laughing, Zhu Juntang put down his hands, gradually calmed down his impudent expression, and felt some emotion in his heart.
“Are there any other questions?” Liu Yuewang

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