point is mobile phones. Do you know what a mobile phone is? With a mobile phone, you can instantly communicate with people thousands of miles away. You can make calls and see the other party, you can also buy clothes and food on your mobile phone, and you can communicate with countless people. Liu Che had to have a mobile phone at that time. Do you know how big the impact would be? Of course, the most important function of a mobile phone is For entertainment, a mobile phone that cannot play games, read novels or watch movies will make people feel out of touch with modern society and they should go square dancing.”

point is mobile phones. Do you know what a mobile phone is? With a mobile phone, you can instantly communicate with people thousands of miles away. You can make calls and see the other party, you can also buy clothes and food on your mobile phone, and you can communicate with countless people. Liu Che had to have a mobile phone at that time. Do you know how big the impact would be? Of course, the most important function of a mobile phone is For entertainment, a mobile phone that cannot play games, read novels or watch movies will make people feel out of touch with modern society and they should go square dancing.”

Liu Changan took out his mobile phone, regardless of whether Shangguan Dandan could see it or not, demonstrated various functions, and then patted the coffin, “Do you feel like an uneducated stupid monkey? Do you want to play with your mobile phone? Ah, come out if you want to play.”
“You are a traitor! If I were a monkey, you would be a little monkey!”
/Obviously, Shangguan Dandan, who was very tolerant, was very angry with Liu Changan, but he still didn’t jump out of the coffin.
“Hey, I’ve said it before. Once you’re a teacher, you’ll always be a father. Our seniority levels are already equal. You’re just a little girl, why should you pretend to be an adult?”
Shangguan Dandan completely disagreed with his statement that “once a teacher is always a father”, he stopped answering his questions.
/Liu Changan felt that he had gained something today. She made a few more noises, and it was impossible for her not to want to play with her mobile phone. If those local turtles, gods, ghosts and monsters from myths and legends suddenly came to him, they would be very interested in mobile phones. It would be extremely interesting. Would a little girl like Shangguan Dandan be interested in this magical magic weapon?
“I can’t give you this mobile phone because she was given by my girlfriend. I will buy a cheap mobile phone from the blue and green factory for you to use tomorrow.” Liu Changan waved the mobile phone on the coffin.
A strong suction suddenly passed through the mobile phone to Liu Changan’s fingers. Liu Changan quickly tightened his grip, and the mobile phone was almost snatched away by this force that did not know where it came from.
“You are still Shangguan Dandan. You want to steal other people’s things? You should write an edict and ask people to pay tribute, just like when you wrote the edict to depose the emperor.” Liu Changan put the phone back in his pocket, really , the boss is old and immature, he just wants to grab what he wants, even Zhou Dongdong is more mature than her.
Liu Changan was certain that Shangguan Dandan was not trapped by the coffin. Instead, she was able to operate the coffin, and in a sense, this coffin was much more mysterious than his mobile phone.
“I regret that I won’t give you a mobile phone. Unless you exchange the coffin with me, I will buy you a mobile phone.” Liu Changan thought about it carefully and said to Shangguan Dandan with certainty, “Believe me, you Yo

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