“I thought you could win!” Zhu Juntang just handed the cards to Liu Chang’an without resisting. Seeing that he actually lost, he was immediately disappointed.

“I thought you could win!” Zhu Juntang just handed the cards to Liu Chang’an without resisting. Seeing that he actually lost, he was immediately disappointed.

Liu Changan picked up the tape and wrapped it around Zhu Juntang’s calf. Zhu Juntang scratched and scratched at Liu Changan. He stole her cards and lost, but she was the one who was punished in the end!
/After playing for more than an hour, Bai Hui, Zhu Juntang and Zhou Shuling were all wrapped with tape. Because Zhou Shuling’s request to use Zhou Dongdong as a substitute was rejected, but Zhou Dongdong saw that they were wrapped with tape and strongly asked Brother Chang’an. Wrap yourself around.
Entering Junshacheng District, the card game stopped. Everyone was tearing off the tapes happily and taking ugly photos of each other. Shangguan Dandan also woke up rubbing his stomach. It was almost time to eat.
The helicopter stopped on the top floor, and not only Secretary Jin but also Zhong Qing were greeted by the tarmac. The group got off the plane, and the trailer grabbed the front tire of the helicopter and dragged the helicopter into the hangar for maintenance.
Dinner was already prepared in the kitchen. After Liu Changan finished eating here, he rushed to Lushan without stopping, preparing to meet Qin Yanan to attend a training class for pregnant women. Zhongqing also told him good news, using mirage’s hallucination ability. , combined with the latest AI technology, the virtual world project that has been ongoing in the underground base has been improved. I hope Liu Changan can experience it when he has time.
Liu Changan was always very enthusiastic about new technologies and immediately agreed. However, his sister’s appointment was not satisfactory. He did not want to see Qin Yanan touching her belly and looking like she was pregnant and had been ruthlessly abandoned.
Zhong Qing told Liu Changan about the virtual world project in the car. She was going to the underground base to follow the progress of the project and her robot clone. Oh, no, Zhong Jiji.
Still wrong, it’s Zhong Zhiqing, nicknamed Jiji.
As the car drove out of the underground garage, Zhongqing saw a baker in a suit pushing a cart of sheep dung balls to Liu Changan’s home.
Zhongqing is from Junsha and knows everything about what happened at Nanshan Ranch. The bread man is a personal bodyguard under the direct command of Zhu Juntang, but of course there are Zhongqing’s cronies among them, let alone the Zhu family, even in Baojun this is not the case Even the company that is considered the core industry of the Zhu family is full of factions, and it is difficult to get things done without cultivating some cronies.
In the past, Zhongqing only listened to the third wife’s orders and didn’t think anything of it. When he started to act alone, he realized that there was no one under him, so he couldn’t do anything and was easily ignored.
Fortunately, she has always been favored by the third wife. If she shows off a little bit, shrewd people who are good at observing words and emotions will

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