

However, the accumulation of Dao Fruit Demonic Pill itself may mean that after missing this disaster, there will be no similar “feast” again.
It was precisely for this reason that after Chu Weiyang nodded with satisfaction, he turned to the other side and looked at the image of Dao Tongzi hanging in the sky.
To be more precise, he was looking at the part of the true form diagram of the sword technique. In that part, there was the sword sword that was “integrated into a human and an instrument” with the true form diagram.
In the Mountain and River Sword World, it has been a long time since the power of the gilded divine flower and the Tao Fruit has been revealed.
Obviously, it was Song Qingxi’s true body who probably noticed something was wrong with his half of the true soul. Furthermore, he felt that this kind of blind fighting was too futile. It was just filling the Dao Fruit Demonic Pill into an invisible and intangible void. In the cave at the bottom.
Therefore, in this kind of cognition, Song Qingxi’s body was rarely excessively “lazy”.
With this judgment, the next moment, Chu Weiyang’s thoughts and thoughts were reflected in the mountain and river sword world.
When I looked again, the part of the dark golden glow that was shining between the rolling mountains and the colorful stars was gradually fading away, getting darker, and then being wrapped in In the gray-black mist, it became increasingly thick, like a candle in the wind.
And similarly muddy like a candle in the wind, there is Song Qingxi’s true spirit’s reason that is gradually dissipating in the process of such changes.
Painful, ferocious
The increasingly crazy expression began to emerge from Song Qingxi’s face. Perhaps the repeated emotions were too intertwined. Occasionally, for a few moments, Chu Weiyang also saw something on Song Qingxi’s divine face. Silent numbness.
At the same time, Song Qingxi also felt the manifestation of Chu Weiyang’s divine form.
“kill me”
She is taking the initiative to make such a rare call.
The Taoist’s divine form appeared, and in the silence, ten thousand swords penetrated the mist.
The intense painful feeling itself was destined to have passed through that connection and reflected in Song Qingxi’s body induction.
One breath, two breaths, three breaths
A long time has passed, and the gilded divine flower has never emerged again. Instead, the mist is rolling. Now when I look at it, even the last dim gilded divine glow is swaying like a candle, completely. Died away.
/At this moment, Song Qingxi seemed to be using her remaining sense to speak.
“What you said that day, you said, that’s not a hypothesis, that’s what you really promised. One of them is that you want me to take away my body. I promise you! But I can’t do it alone Chu Weiyang, Help me please help me!”
In the same spot, Chu Weiyang’s divine form stopped at the edge of the mist, watching as the reason and peace on Song Qingxi’s face gradually turned into hysterical hatred.
Or maybe at this moment, Song Qingxi’s divine form, its reason a

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