milar veins, and it can just relieve Lu Minghai’s boredom.

milar veins, and it can just relieve Lu Minghai’s boredom.

But in fact, this is a rubbing of the book passed down from the sects gathered by Lu Minghai by the leading monks of each sect with great purpose.
This can almost be said to be the summary and culmination of the visions of the most elite golden elixir realm monks in the world.
Although these Taoist books only carry and describe ordinary magic spells and talismans, and rarely even involve the fundamental inheritance of each sect and the supreme Taoist principles, but in these Taoist books, Lu Minghai truly saw Kaitian The exquisite and exquisite side of the Dharma shows that the ancient Taoist inheritance is still full of vitality and vitality to this day.
He began to truly feel the words that Mr. Zong said in the past, such as “one yin and one yang are the way.”
At least, as he read through one Taoist book after another, the matter of changing Taoism and changing the law was no longer a thought that suddenly passed around in Lu Minghai’s mind. The matter itself began to resemble him. It’s the same as when I think of the winds of the Sumeru world, the cracks in the Sumeru world, and those weird existences.
As the thought itself emerges, things begin to take on a complete outline and a real picture in the mind.
It was no longer even the thought itself, but subsequently turned into a thoroughfare shrouded in mist and mist, which was enough to find the direction.
No one urged him, no one pushed him.
From beginning to end, this seemed to be Lu Minghai’s own choice.
During this period, Uncle Shang opened and closed his eyes several times, glancing at the young man whose aura had unconsciously changed due to reading Taoist books.
The corners of his mouth were slightly pursed, but Uncle Shang didn’t know how to speak.
In fact, this is some kind of emotional change that has no reason. Since arriving in this alien place, everything he has encountered and faced has made Uncle Shang’s mood become a little depressed and depressed for no reason.
/In the past, when he stood in the wind of the Sumeru Realm for a long time and resisted the blows of those strange entities from afar, Uncle Shang had never felt so depressed.
But looking back carefully, it was extremely difficult for Uncle Shang to explain clearly the root cause of this emotional change.
/At a certain moment, the changes in the charm of Lu Minghai’s Taoism suddenly appeared in Uncle Shang’s mind, and again, Uncle Shang was shocked and erased from his mind.
He is just a protector, not Lu Minghai’s respected elder. He has no reason to dictate Lu Minghai’s path choice.
If Lu Minghai hadn’t taken the initiative to ask, Uncle Shang wouldn’t have even planned to say anything.
But now it can be seen that Lu Minghai has been immersed in the mysterious realm woven and created by that Taoist book for a long time.
Therefore, Uncle Shang had no choice but to remain silent like this, sinking into his increasingly depressed mood for a long time.
However, is choosing the Open Heaven method really the right pa

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