talk too much.

talk too much.

“Why, if you are lonely by nature, you don’t have to come to see me?”
“I don’t dare.”
/“From Gu’s point of view, the Lu Wu clan clearly doesn’t take Gu in their eyes. If you don’t see him, you won’t see him again, and you won’t see him again in the future.” Lu Bei waved his sleeves and returned to the Nine-Tails King’s City with the pace of disowning his relatives.
He said three days was just three days. He hoped that the Zhanhen clan and the Lu Wu clan would fight to the death and stage a surprise for him in front of the Demon Imperial City. The difference in inventory experience is 30 billion to reach the 200 billion mark. As long as these two groups are loyal, they can easily get it for him.
The secret realm of the royal city.
Lu Bei ordered two vixens to guard the door and took out the source of blood to start the promotion.
His requirements are not high and he is easily satisfied. The golden-winged roc on the first floor can be combined into a trinity and evolve into a phoenix.
After observing on the spot how Huang Xiao was promoted, there was no lack of Yuanshi Shangqi. Lu Bei felt that this was a sure thing. With Fenghuang on the left and Kunpeng on the right, and applying the experience of one emperor and eight kings to death, he could do it with Xiaoying and Xiaoji. Not afraid.
People feel refreshed when happy events happen, and then Lu Bei failed.
He successfully merged with the bloodline of the phoenix, which was close to his original form, but the demon body of the golden-winged roc couldn’t accept it. To be precise, the golden-winged roc’s related experience soared, but he couldn’t evolve into a phoenix.
“It doesn’t make sense. Aren’t we all relatives?”
[You refine the purity of your bloodline, achieve something, speed +20]
[You refine your bloodline and make it pure
The blood of the perfect phoenix is ??powerful enough, more powerful than any panacea, and can stretch the wingspan of the golden-winged roc to three hundred feet in one breath.
To Kunpeng, three hundred feet is a seedling, just as big as an eggshell. To the Golden-winged Dapeng, three hundred feet is enough to be called an adult.
Seeing this, Lu Bei decided to transfer his experience elsewhere. He had almost developed the Golden Winged Roc, but only the two magical powers of Divine Eyes and Divine Speed ??had not yet been fully developed.
The blood of the perfect phoenix is ??exhausted, and the two magical powers are refreshed.
[Godly Eyes Level 18 (Perfect)]
[Speed ??Lv16 (10w/26E)]
The divine eye’s prediction and discernment are further strengthened, allowing Lu Bei to see farther and clearer, and allowing him to control himself more freely while moving at high speeds.
The feedback brought about by the strengthening of divine speed is the most direct. The speed attribute is sixteen times the original base, and multiplied by two again on the basis of the original eight times.
In the attribute column of the personal panel, the speed attribute is 930,000, which is about to exceed the one million mark

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