wards the Taoist temple ahead.

wards the Taoist temple ahead.

“Don’t be surprised, fellow Taoist. Qu He and Meng Yuan were childhood friends. Once their thousand-year friendship was betrayed, it had a huge impact on his Taoist heart.” Jiang Biehe waved his folding fan and was not in a hurry to step into the void passage.
He waved his hand and opened a phosphorus mirror in the dark void, silently watching the meeting of the two old friends.
The two courtyard doors were shattered, and Qu He rushed in angrily. Seeing his old friend enjoying a cup of tea, he snorted coldly to suppress his majestic power.
The martial arts will condensed into a thin line and struck directly between Meng Yuan’s eyebrows.
There was a crisp click, and the tea cup in Meng Yuan’s hand fell into pieces. He pointed it out, took the bitter tea into his throat, and said with a smile: “Old man, you still have such a bad temper, aren’t you afraid of making yourself angry to death?”
Qu He pointed his fingers together into swords and asked in a cold voice: “Old Mengyuan dog, why did you betray me?”
“Why did you say this, old man? When did I betray you?”
Meng Yuan stood up calmly, pushed out a cup of tea, and slowly floated it in front of Qu He: “You and I are not named Jiang. The royal family and King Yan are fighting life and death. What does it have to do with you and me? We are about to ascend and escape from the world. That’s the best policy.”
Qu He became even angrier: “Old dog, if you don’t want to help us, you can just quit. No one will say anything wrong about you. You defeated King Yan without saying a word, and you dare to say that you are away from the world!”
“King Yan gave me a price I couldn’t refuse.”
Meng Yuan was calm and unashamed: “We monks don’t want anything more than immortality. When we built Wulao Cave, we only wanted a pure dojo. Old man, why don’t you first ask what price King Yan gave me? ?”
/Upon hearing this, Jiang Biehe and Chang Qingyu immediately became energetic, and Lu Bei next to them also secretly pricked up his ears.
/Qu He regards Mengyuan as a brother, and Meng Yuan also regards him as a sibling and friend. If they were not both men, they would have joined together to breed a family of immortal cultivators. How much money does King Yan have to pay to make Mengyuan betray his best friend?
“What the hell, spare your life as a dog!” Qu He said bitterly.
“Ascension Channel.”
“King Yan gave me a passage to ascend. As long as we don’t help each other, immortality is just around the corner.”
Meng Yuan looked at his old friend and invited him: “Old man, you and I have been trapped in this world for too long. It’s time to take that step.”
What is the Ascension Channel?
Is there still such a thing in the world of immortality?
However, the fairy world is gone, where do you want to fly?
Lu Bei sneered at Meng Yuan’s remarks. According to what he saw and speculated, the old man was fooled, and the passage given by King Yan was definitely not a serious way.
“Master, what is the ascension passage?”
Chang Qingyu asked in

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