re best solved independently – how can one grow without experiencing setbacks?

re best solved independently – how can one grow without experiencing setbacks?

re best solved independently – how can one grow without experiencing setbacks?
Of course, Scholar Huyan could react immediately and his thinking was quite quick.
“That’s right,” Li Yongsheng nodded and spoke calmly, “I won’t use metaphors like ants, just treat you as children. Do adults need to intervene in fights between children?” After hearing such a
metaphor, The faces of the true kings of the Middle-earth Kingdom inevitably have a look of embarrassment – children? We are all the top beings on this plane, right?
Of course, they could not doubt Guanfengzhi’s words. After all, he was a person from the upper world and was qualified to say so.
Then, Li Yongsheng looked at the emissary again, “I have no intention of taking action. Even if you blessed people with magic, I am just a little unhappy, but you should never, as an adult, interfere in the fight between children.” Parents can’t stand it, do you understand?”
Only then did the divine envoy understand why Guanfeng envoy arrived so late. It turned out to be because he bullied the younger ones – otherwise, others might not be willing to show up.
He felt that he had been completely wronged: You are nothing more than an ant in the lower world. Are you like this?
You know, he didn’t care at all about the offense against many ants, otherwise he would have killed more than one person.
However, he did not explain it like this, but said calmly, “He offended me, and he deserves to die!” ”
Oh, do you deserve to die if he offended me?” Li Yongsheng laughed, “Suzaku, remember to look back on what you said.”
Retrospection technique , it is similar to playback, this kind of technique can be mastered by real people, of course, it is the lowest level.
Suzaku cupped his hands and spoke sternly, “I will obey the order of the Immortal Envoy.”
Li Yongsheng nodded slightly, and then gave the envoy a bared smile, “Now, you have offended me too, so if I kill you, it won’t be considered bullying, right? ”
Are you bullying the young?” There was a look of disbelief on the divine envoy’s face, “Are you sure that your identity and cultivation level are higher than mine?”
In his opinion, the identity of the Wind Watcher may be higher than his own – after all It is an upper bound tolerance and is likely to have a legitimate position.
But when it comes to cultivation, he doesn’t believe how high the other party is – we’re not kidding like that.
If you had the cultivation of Suzaku or White Tiger, would you be a wind watcher?
Li Yongsheng smiled and nodded, “I’m very sure of this.”
The angel’s face darkened, and after thinking for a while, he spoke again, “That’s good, I’ll leave everyone else here, how about you let me go? ”
Zhou Cao” Guo Zhenjun from the south couldn’t help but said in shock, “Abandoning believers casually, is this the envoy of the True God Religion?”
After all, he was confirmed after the Great Patriotic War and did not even participate in that war.
/Ding Xiangshi snorted coldly and spoke disdainfully, “That’s what the True God Sect i

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