as exactly the style of a wise king.

as exactly the style of a wise king.

as exactly the style of a wise king.
However, the young Siu Xiu who stopped him was expressionless and said stubbornly, “The Tian family only brought two followers.”
This was actually a bit exaggerated. Those true monarchs of the two palaces could actually be regarded as the followers of the Tian family.
The King of England was a little surprised, but he still left his bodyguard behind and took only two real people, a man and a woman, up the mountain with him.
Behind them, there was another person, and two disciples of the Yuan family were about to stop him. Someone next to them said, “That is the Xian Da Zhenjun of Rouran. He has been refined into a puppet and is not considered a living person.” The person who
spoke . This man is also a descendant of the Yuan family. He had gone north to Rouran and Ivan with Li Yongsheng and met the true king Xian Da.
After walking four or five miles on the mountain road, the King of England came to a valley. The valley was not very big, with a radius of more than twenty miles. It was densely wooded and had hundreds of houses hidden in it.
There are really not many people who are qualified to enter here, only more than thirty true kings and more than twenty princes. Despite the excitement at the foot of the mountain, the valley is very deserted.
The King of England was led to a small independent courtyard. The descendant of the Yuan family who led the way said that everything is available here. You can choose to rest or go out for a walk. You should be able to meet many acquaintances.
Tomorrow night is the deadline, and the angel will meet everyone early the morning after tomorrow.
/“Brother, wait a minute,” King Ying called to the Yuan family’s children who were about to leave, “I am Xianjun Sushi, and I want to meet him. Can you please let me know?” The
Yuan family’s children hesitated for a while, but finally revealed themselves. With a wry smile, “Your honor, please don’t embarrass us. Whoever the immortal envoy wants to see is determined by him.”
Looking at his leaving figure, the King of England showed a thoughtful look in his eyes. In the end, he still It turned into a gentle sigh.
That night, the four true kings of the Dao Palace discussed Taoism. Others were allowed to listen, but they were not allowed to interrupt.
/The true kings of the two palaces and the hidden family have all gone, so there are really very few opportunities for such exchanges.
The King of England also went, but was surprised to find that there were nine princes listening quietly below.
With the cultivation and knowledge of these princes, it would be difficult for them to understand the true king’s teachings.
After listening for a while, the King of England found that he could not understand it either. You should know that his knowledge was one of the most profound among the princes.
He looked around, walked to an old man, sat down, and said hello softly, “I’ve met Uncle Chengwang.”
This man was Guangzong’s younger brother, the oldest King Cheng, and King Cheng had no

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