This was the compromise he came up with. He taught everyone the refining method, but in the end it was finalized. The technique must be controlled within a certain range.

This was the compromise he came up with. He taught everyone the refining method, but in the end it was finalized. The technique must be controlled within a certain range.

This was the compromise he came up with. He taught everyone the refining method, but in the end it was finalized. The technique must be controlled within a certain range.
/In this way, even if this refining method is spread, others cannot just capture the cultivators from Middle-earth to refine real-life puppets. Erlang Temple must authenticate that the puppet is a foreigner before the puppet can be completely finalized. .
The reason why Zhu Erhuan was chosen was because Zhu Zhu helped summon the heroes, and Guanfeng envoy felt that he should be rewarded.
Moreover, the Erlang Temple is a descendant temple. With this technique, it is not afraid of being robbed by others. If this technique is given to the Hidden World Family, the family will easily expand because of it. Secondly, once the Hidden World Family declines, it will not be able to keep it. technique.
The Zisun Temple is different. Even if it declines again, the protector cannot be counted on. There will still be a Taoist palace to help support it. After all, it is a Taoist palace system.
In short, after Erlang Temple acquires this technique, it can be expected to prosper. Even if something unexpected happens and it declines, whoever dares to think about using this technique will have fulfilled the wishes of the four palaces – the palace of my Tao. How can it be that other people can easily contaminate skills?
When others heard the news, they suddenly realized why Master Zhu was present when he taught the refining technique last time.
Gongsun Weiming was a little depressed, “Master Li, you obviously just taught him this, why can’t you teach me?”
Li Yongsheng didn’t even bother to explain. He just coughed lightly, “The weather is showing signs of warming up. The Rouran people have reorganized themselves, and it’s time for us to go back.”
The Rouran people in the camp rested for seven or eight days, and basically they have recovered. Although they are still thin, they finally have some energy. All that’s left is to slowly recover.
/However, the Rouran people here come from all over the world, and they are very dissatisfied with each other. It is even more common to form gangs. If the Chinese people cannot help them organize their team, I am afraid that the Rouran people will have to disperse as soon as they leave.
Chapter 778: Wolf Hunting:
These Rouran slaves have dispersed and have little impact on the cultivators in Middle-earth. But since they can raise a resistance team here, why not let them bring them to Ivan More trouble?
It did not take the Chinese people long to rectify these people. They announced very simply and rudely that the six captives were six generals, and each general could lead no more than 500 people.
As for your future training, combat plans and profit distribution, it will be decided by the six generals through consultation, and we will not interfere.
Moreover, the Middle-earth people also issued weapons and leather armor to them, five hundred sets for each general. What kind of subordinates they can recruit d

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